Sunday, December 24, 2017

Stress Free Holidays: Food Prep

Welcome to my Stress Free Holidays series, I will be sharing some tips to reduce the amount of stress this time of year puts on all of us.  Some are ones I have used, some are ones I will be instituting this year, and some I will be using in the future.  If you have any great ways to reduce the amount of stress please feel free to share them with us!

We have made it! Only today and tomorrow to get through, but hopefully because of all the work we got done earlier, we can relax and enjoy.  I have one more tip for you, if you are hosting Christmas Eve tonight or Christmas Day, I suggest getting as much food prep done as possible before hand.  Chop your veggies and pre-mix your dips and sauces if possible.  This will not only cut down on the amount of time you have spend in the kitchen when family and friends are around but you can also get all those extra dishes done and out of the way before guests arrive. 

I hope that some of these tips have helped you get through the holidays with a little less stress! After Christmas I will have a couple more post holiday tips to help prepare for next year too.


  1. I’ve loved all your tips. Maybe I’ll go mix my veggie dip.

    1. I am glad you have liked my tips and I hope it helped this season and in years to come too.
