Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Review of Down Came the Rain by Brooke Shields

Synopsis: "In this compelling memoir, Brooke Shields talks candidly about her experience with postpartum depression after the birth of her daughter, and provides millions of women with an inspiring example of recovery. When Brooke Shields welcomed her newborn daughter, Rowan Francis, into the world, something unexpected followed--a crippling depression. Now, for the first time ever, in Down Came the Rain, Brooke talks about the trials, tribulations, and finally the triumphs that occurred before, during, and after the birth of her daughter."

My Review: It is hard to rate a book that is so uncomfortable to read. I do like how Brooke makes it clear that postpartum depression can effect people in a variety ways and levels. Though she shared her emotions, at times if felt a little disconnected, like I was simply reading a manual. One thing she did hit the nail on the head with is the fact that very few are informed that this could happen, I read so many baby books and it gets you up to the point of your water breaking and then you are on your own and the first year books focus mainly on the baby's health and progress and again the mothers and fathers are left on their own. It was remarkable that she was brave enough to share her story, including the struggle with infertility and she made a very good point that all the infertility hormone treatments could put women at a greater risk of experiencing PPD or some form of it.
My Rating: It definitely opened my eyes as to some of the issues I faced and some of my friends have faced. I am glad to see that there are more and more books being put out there about this issue, I would however like it to be included more in those 'what to expect' type books since those are read ahead of time instead of after you have struggled.  I give it a rating of Three Paws.

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