Thursday, September 5, 2013

So Much to Do

Now that I am finally getting back to real life my to do lists are becoming slightly overwhelming.  I thought I should put together some to do lists (one for the office - top priority to catch up on accounting, one for the house - get cleaning done before going out for surgery again, one for events - make 50 cookies & 50 chocolate lollipops and make all decorations for the bridal shower this weekend, etc.).

Well I though what better place to put my reading/blogging to do list than right here. . .
1. Respond to author/publisher emails
2. Catch up on reviews
3. Schedule posts for dates while out for surgery
4. Write letters for August & September
5. Put together Review Policy
6. Update Reading Goals & Write progress posts
7. Work on writing goals for the year
8. Start planning Advent season posts
So there is my to do list for this part of my life. And guess what, Bloggiesta is set for the end of this month! That will give me the extra kick I need to get moving on this to do list!

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