Synopsis: "An illustrated board book with words and music to a children's song."
My Review: I love this book! You can't help but sing and dance when you are reading it. Munchkin also loves to giggle when I point out the body parts as I am reading/singing to him. I also like the simplicity of the pictures in the book.
My Review: I love this book! You can't help but sing and dance when you are reading it. Munchkin also loves to giggle when I point out the body parts as I am reading/singing to him. I also like the simplicity of the pictures in the book.
My Rating: Such a simple book but it is so fun. Definitely not the best bedtime story but a lot of fun in the mornings and afternoons. Munchkin is now starting to find his own toes so maybe soon we can sing the song together. I give this book a rating of Four Paws and a Stump Wag!
Good Night! Sweet Dreams!
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