Synopsis: "Ari and Janco deal with a Sandseed Story Weaver and a cocky young soldier while Valek is off helping Yelena."
My Review: I was so excited to read this novella in the Study series, I had loved Ari and Janco throughout the other books but I was so disappointed. They didn't have the same feel to them as before. I was distracted by the banter that usually was entertaining but it just got in the way this time. I really felt a lot was lacking in the plot line and the characters. It all just fell flat and read like a story instead of pulling me in like Poison Study did :(
My Review: I was so excited to read this novella in the Study series, I had loved Ari and Janco throughout the other books but I was so disappointed. They didn't have the same feel to them as before. I was distracted by the banter that usually was entertaining but it just got in the way this time. I really felt a lot was lacking in the plot line and the characters. It all just fell flat and read like a story instead of pulling me in like Poison Study did :(
My Rating: So sad but I have to give Power Study a rating of One Paw.
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