Another option, if you are looking to purchase a book of poetry, I suggest Half Hours with the Best Poets (Barnes & Noble or Amazon)

This is a fantastic collection of poems, nearly all of my top poems are in this one book!
So the next poem is
The title is a link to the poem
Well I will honestly admit, I didn't get this one. I was never really a fan of Pound's work to begin with but this one threw me. I did read some of other readers thoughts on it and there are several ideas of what Ezra Pound might be trying to portray through this poem. Some ideas are of a girl maturing and how she changes, another thought is the story of Daphne & Apollo. After reading several thoughts and going back and reading the poem again, I like the idea that he could be describing a daughter or granddaughter and how his love for her grows with each passing day and year as a tree would grow. She brings him life, but the world doesn't care, it just keeps moving on, it doesn't pause a moment to let him enjoy this love.
Well hopefully these poems get easier, I seem to have lost my love for poetry :( but I am looking forward to regaining that love, as several of the next poems are ones I know and love.
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