
Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday Reading List

Its Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Shelia at Book Journey. Share what books you have finished in the last week, are currently reading and what might be coming up next!

Reviews Posted Last Week:
Links will take you to my review

The Marriage Bargain by Jennifer Probst
The Marriage Trap by Jennifer Probst
The Marriage Mistake by Jennifer Probst (After Dark)
I Love You More by Laura Duksta (Bedtime Story)
A Walk To Remember by Nicholas Sparks (Book v. Movie)
Cowboys, Babies & Shotgun Vows by Yoshiko Hanatsu (Graphic Novel)
The Other Guy by Cary Attwell
For Darkness Shows the Stars by Diana Peterfreund
Dancing with the Duke by Suzanna Medieros
When First They Met by Debbie Macomber
Little Grunt and the Big Egg by Tomie dePaola (Bedtime Story)
How to Train your Dragon by Cressida Cowell (Book v. Movie)

Books Finished Last Week:
Reviews will be posted at a later date

Cowboys, Babies & Shotgun Vows
The Other Guy
For Darkness Shows the Stars
Little Blue Truck Leads the Way
Teeny Tiny Monster
Ten Apples Up On Top
Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel
Dancing with the Duke
Just a Little Critter Collection
When First They Met
Armadillo Rodeo
Grimm Fairy Tales Vol. 1
Currently Reading:

Last Regress by Rachel J. Thorne - Nook - on page 118 of 212
October Night by Theresa Oles - Kindle - 2%
Life of Pi by Yann Martel - Audio Book - On Disc 3 of 9

 Books to be Read Soon:

True Grit by Charles Portis (Book v. Movie)
Twelve Months by Steven Manchester (Requested Review)
Luminaire by Ciye Cho (Requested Review)

Boy was February a whirl wind or what!?! I hope you all enjoyed my Lust and Love Event, and found something you would like to try. I really enjoyed reading all those books but after squeezing out a book every day for the month I need a little slow down (I can't really take a break from reading when I am on such a roll now can I).

So guess what, we are now into March and that means it is my special month.  While I would love to be able to share each and every book I love with all of you, I can't possibly do that in a month! So instead I will make a post each week sharing some of the books that I have loved over the years and some of the books that well, not so much. 

Just a little update on my non-book life, Munchkin is now 6 months old!! I can't believe how fast time is going and how big he is getting! I am happy to say he has made a lot of progress with his physical therapy and his helmet. We are hoping only one more month of physical therapy and maybe another 6 weeks with the helmet. I really can't wait since it is definitely the helmet that is bothering him and we still aren't getting to sleep through the night.

Well I am back to the office now, and swamped with work (both the other assistants in the office quit last week, leaving me as the only one and only back part time).  So I hope you all have a great week!!


  1. You finished a LOT of books last week. Do you always read so many? Wow!

    Thanks for following my Rose City Reader blog. I am now following you back.

    1. Gilion, thanks so much for the follow! My reading varies from week to week but I usually average between 3 and 7 books a week (granted some are childrens books for the Munchkin but I don't count all of those unless I will be posting a review).

  2. The amount of books you read make my two look even more pathetic! I loved your lust and love month!

    1. It was definitely a great reader month for me but my poor house paid the price LOL! At least the family stayed fed ;) Thank you Jenny, I am glad you enjoyed it.
