
Thursday, November 5, 2020

Blog Tour: Review of A Real Royal ChristMess by Linda West


Read for: Requested Review/ Holiday Story!

Synopsis: "A runaway Prince leaves his Kingdom to complete his father’s dying wish.

A broken-hearted girl concocts a plan to win her ex back no matter the cost.

When these two opposites are thrown together by fate and end up in the same adorable ski lodge, to their dismay and surprise, their lives will be changed forever-after.

A fast-paced funny and enchanting holiday romance you won’t be able to forget!"

My Review:  I am a major sucker for holiday romances, especially secret royal ones and this book fed my need this year. This was definitely a hidden identity book for almost all parties and a lot of mistaken identity as well. It is quirky and fun with lots of winter adventures. It is also a bit of a cautionary tale about making assumptions. I really enjoyed Jamie's character, he is kind and more omits some truths as opposed to actually lying, he is also rather tolerant of all the shenanigans going on during the vacation. Jess though I struggled a lot with in this one, her need for attention just really got to me, and her forced personality did too, she also makes a lot of assumptions of those around her, she really grated on my nerves. Of course by the end I was routing for Jess and had grown to really like her. This was a light and fun story with a bit of emotion and dark moments but not so much that it brings the tone of the story down. Definitely a fun, quick and engrossing read to pick up this holiday season.

My Rating: This was a great book to kick off my holiday reading, it was light and fun, quirky and magical.  I inhaled this book and read it in a single day. I did get a little irritated with Jess but it was easy to look past her character flaws and just enjoy the story. I give it a rating of Three Paws.  Continue reading for a sneak peek of A Real Royal ChristMess!  Also, as a note for those wondering, this is a sweet romance, not much more than a bit of oogling and kisses.



Chapter 1



Madame Zoloft gazed intently into her crystal ball and raised one overly plucked brow.

"You're going to marry a Prince." She said, looking up at me. 

I frowned. 

Marry a Prince? Same old psychic mumbo jumbo she thought every girl wanted to hear. Darn Prince. The only guy I cared about was Collin.

"I don't care about a prince. Did you see anything in there about a guy with gray eyes, tall, great dresser?"

I glanced over at my boyfriend, Collin Trevor. He was chatting with our boss near the mistletoe looking like a billion bucks in his gray Chanel suit and red Santa tie I had picked out for him yesterday. Tonight was our big night. Our lives were about to change.

The psychic barely glanced up from her crystal ball. "No – not him." 

I leaned over and peered into her ball.

"I know he's planning something special," I said. "He told me we need to have a serious talk. We all know what that means right before Christmas."

She dead-eyed me.

"I said a Prince."

I leaned in and whispered. "Look, this is a Christmas party you're kind of supposed to tell me what I want to hear so... can you look closer or ask your leprechauns or something please?" 

I put my hands together in prayer.

She squinted her eyes and consulted the mighty ball once again. 

I chewed the inside of my mouth. I admit it was pathetic to want confirmation of my love life from a psychic, but I was desperate at this point.

"I think Collin said he's distantly related to Prince Charles maybe that's what you're seeing. He is English!?"

She looked up at me once again and shook her head.

"A true Prince."

I threw my hands up. "Oh, come on close enough!" I jerked my finger over my head.

"He's fully Prince-Dreamy! Just look at him over there talking to our boss, and you tell me!"

We turned in unison to see the love of my life currently being mauled by a hot redhead from marketing under the mistletoe. I inhaled. Well, that's not what I wanted to see. 

Darn mistletoe. 

Still, he didn't need to keep kissing her.

Maybe he was drunk and being accosted?

I looked back at Madame Zoloft and stood up. "I better go help him."I stuffed a five-dollar bill into her tip jar and took off toward the problematic mistletoe. Why holiday decorators felt the need to hang that nuisance plant everywhere and ruin people's lives I had no idea.

"A Prince for Christmas." Madame Zoloft called after me. "Next in line." 


Linda West is a multiple Amazon bestselling author. She is owned by a few feral cats but when she has time she writes adorable romances that are funny and moving. Her Kissing Bridge series is being currently being considered being made into Hallmark films.

You can visit her website at

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Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Review of You Can't F*ck Up Your Kids: A Judgement-Free Guide to Stress-Free Parenting by Lindsay Powers


Read For: Requested Review

Synopsis: "Cribsheet meets The Sh!t No One Tells You in this no-holds-barred, judgment-free parenting guide that sets the record straight on every hot-button parenting topic by longtime journalist and founder of the viral #NoShameParenting movement.

What if you could do more for your kids, by doing a whole lot less?

Parenting today has become a competitive sport, and it seems that everyone is losing. From the very moment that little line turns blue, parents-to-be find themselves in a brave new world where every decision they make is fraught, every action they take is judged, and everything they do seems to be the wrong thing.

Formula feed? Breast is best.
Breastfeed in public? That’s indecent.
Cry it out? You’re causing permanent harm to your child.
Don’t sleep train? Your child will never learn to sleep on his or her own.
Stay home? You’re setting a bad example for your kids.
Go back to work? Don’t you love your kids more than your job?

Lindsay Powers—former editor-in-chief of Yahoo! Parenting, creator of the #NoShameParenting movement, and mom of two—is here to help parents everywhere breathe a collective sigh of relief. This laugh-out-loud funny, accessible, and reassuring book sets the record straight on all of the insane conflicts that parents face—from having a glass of wine while pregnant to sleep training, childcare, feeding, and even sex after baby.

Drawing on the latest research and delivered in a relatable, comforting voice, You Can’t F*ck Up Your Kids demonstrates that it is possible to take the stress out of parenting and sit back and enjoy the ride."

My Review:  I love a good parenting book, especially when they don't sugar coat how much your life changes and how difficult some things become. This is definitely a book I will be giving to new moms (at least the ones I know can handle it). I like how it really takes on the tone of no judgement, each chapter reviews several different methods a parent can use, all have their ups and downs, it does a nice job of breaking those down for you, but in the end it all boils down to no matter what just pick what works for you. So many subjects are covered, from feeding to sleeping, medical care to screen time, it is definitely a book to refer back to as needed for a first time parent. The author includes personal experience and even how drastically one child's needs can differ from another. My only complaint is that I didn't have the benefit of this book when my son was a baby, and I wish it was expanded more for as your kids get older because let me tell you, school aged kids bring a whole new realm of struggles and judgmental people.

My Rating: If you are a parent or a parent-to-be and are looking for a book for Non-Fiction November, I would highly recommend this one. I wish I had been able to read this when I was struggling through new mommyhood. I give it a rating of Three Paws and a Stump Wag.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher; the above is my honest review and opinion.

You can find out more about Lindsay Powers and her books on her Goodreads Page or Instagram.

You Can't F*ck Up Your Kids was released earlier this year so you can obtain your own copy now in print or digital format from Amazon or Barnes & Noble or request it at your local library or bookstore.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

October 2020 Wrap Up & November TBR

Good grief, what the heck happened to October?!  It has been a totally insane month that just flew by.  I guess it is just the beginning of the end, the next two months will go about the same.  I really hope then end up being as fantastic of reading months as this one has been!

First and foremost is my only actual challenge for the  year . . .

TBR Books from the Past 3 Years:
I didn't manage to read any books off my past three year haul list but . . .

I did read one book off my older TBR (not included in the last 3 years of hauls):

2020 Books added to TBR & Read:
Once again, I managed to really focus a lot on my recently added books, I want to really get this list down.



October Additions:
While I didn't quite stick to the one book a week thing, I was much better behaved this month!  



So I added 13 books to my shelves in October, but I have read 6 of those already and 1 is a gift, so I am still okay with this.  I do hope to reduce these numbers pretty quickly over the next month. 

In other reading I am tracking this year, I read . . .


Borrowed Books:

Books Over 500 Pages:
13. Serpent & Dove (513)

Requested Reviews:
Jingle All the Way (Netgalley)
A Real Royal ChristMess (Pump Up Your Book)
The Rules of Enchantment (Direct)
You Can't F*ck Up Your Kids (Direct)

August Reading Stats:
I read a total of 26 books this month
3,500 pages read and 4 days, 8 hours and 33 minute of listening

Resolutions Check in:
1. Read that TBR: I have pretty much given up on this goal, if I can just focus on not adding to it at this point I will be happy. - :(
2. Purchase Less Books: Last year in October I attended a romance book convention and ended up purchasing 37 books, so I would say that my 13 this year is looking pretty darn good.  - CHECK
3. Read Big Books: I managed one book over 500 pages, I still wanted to read more but oh well, I am pretty happy with how many I have already read this year. - CHECK
4. Interact: I did a little better about posting on Instagram and replying to others and commenting on other pages but I still have a ways to go. - :/ 


I am super proud of myself, last month I managed to read all but 5 of the books that were on my TBR list, it gives me hope that my list for this month, while large, is doable.  I have decided to implement a new rule for myself, since I haven't been able to make progress on my past years Purchase Lists, I decided that for every book that is left over from this years list (through the end of November - I am not counting December because a lot of those books come at Christmas and doesn't give me time to read them before the end of the year), I have to get rid of 2 books off my TBR shelves. Kind of a different take on the whole 1 in 2 out concept for minimal living. I think this will really motivate me to read all these books and to bring less in leading up to the holidays. It will also force me to really take a look at all those book still sitting on my TBR shelf. 

So anyway, that was long-winded, but here is my TBR for November. 

For TBR List
Blind Search *Currently Reading

and for requested reviews
Camelot Betrayal * Currently Reading

Like I said, another totally overly ambitious TBR but last month went super well and this month we not only have the Tome Topple Readathon but also the start of the Tis the Seasonathon.  I also am working on getting a bunch of my reading done for Advent Reads. I think it will be a nice mix of quick light holiday reads and denser fantasy reads. 

What changes have you made to your TBR to get ready for the end of the year?

Monday, November 2, 2020

Monday Reading List

   It is Monday again and it is time to update with what I read last week, what I am currently reading and what to look forward to next week.

Reviews Posted Last Week:
Links will take you to my review

Serpent & Dove by Shelby Mahurin
Murder Past Due by Miranda James
The Monster in My Basement by Dave Preston (Bedtime Story)
Maids  by Katie Skelly (Graphic Novel)

 Books Finished Last Week:
Reviews will be posted at a later date

Jingle All the Way
A Real Royal ChristMess
When It's Right

Currently Reading:

Blind Search by Paula Munier - Audio/ Print - on page 32 of  340
Camelot Betrayal by Kiersten White - Ebook - on page 36 of 384

Pages Read/ Time Listened
850:08 Hours Listened (18:31 listened this week)
26,469 Pages Read (963 This week)

Books Added to Shelves Recently: TBR
The Eyes of Tamburah (gift)
The Wolf in the Whale
~~~~~~~~~~March Birthday Waiver Books ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Rain Dragon Rescue
The Order of the Unicorn
All the Wandering Light
Life on the Leash
Phoenix Unbound
The Caged Queen
The Mum Who'd Had Enough
The Voyage to Magical North
The Overdue Life of Amy Byler
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Birthday Waiver~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Scavenge the Stars
Hades & Persephone
Dark Skies
No Country for Old Gnomes (gift)
About That Kiss
The Girl and the Stars
A Choir of Lies
Loving Cara
Girl of Fire & Thorns (gift)
Fury of a Phoenix
Homicide in Hardcover (gift)
Unravel the Dusk
Ruthless Gods


I don't know where the time is going anymore.  This last week flew by and I barely managed to get bare minimum done in all aspects of life. But it ended up being a pretty fun weekend, especially for Munchkin, which was all worth it.  Of course this week will be just as crazy with elections and catch up from last week but I am hoping to get a good start on reading this month.  I will have my wrap up from October and my November TBR up later today or tomorrow.  I might be a little light on reviews for this month but it is so I can get December all set with lots of holiday books for you!