
Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Review of You Can't F*ck Up Your Kids: A Judgement-Free Guide to Stress-Free Parenting by Lindsay Powers


Read For: Requested Review

Synopsis: "Cribsheet meets The Sh!t No One Tells You in this no-holds-barred, judgment-free parenting guide that sets the record straight on every hot-button parenting topic by longtime journalist and founder of the viral #NoShameParenting movement.

What if you could do more for your kids, by doing a whole lot less?

Parenting today has become a competitive sport, and it seems that everyone is losing. From the very moment that little line turns blue, parents-to-be find themselves in a brave new world where every decision they make is fraught, every action they take is judged, and everything they do seems to be the wrong thing.

Formula feed? Breast is best.
Breastfeed in public? That’s indecent.
Cry it out? You’re causing permanent harm to your child.
Don’t sleep train? Your child will never learn to sleep on his or her own.
Stay home? You’re setting a bad example for your kids.
Go back to work? Don’t you love your kids more than your job?

Lindsay Powers—former editor-in-chief of Yahoo! Parenting, creator of the #NoShameParenting movement, and mom of two—is here to help parents everywhere breathe a collective sigh of relief. This laugh-out-loud funny, accessible, and reassuring book sets the record straight on all of the insane conflicts that parents face—from having a glass of wine while pregnant to sleep training, childcare, feeding, and even sex after baby.

Drawing on the latest research and delivered in a relatable, comforting voice, You Can’t F*ck Up Your Kids demonstrates that it is possible to take the stress out of parenting and sit back and enjoy the ride."

My Review:  I love a good parenting book, especially when they don't sugar coat how much your life changes and how difficult some things become. This is definitely a book I will be giving to new moms (at least the ones I know can handle it). I like how it really takes on the tone of no judgement, each chapter reviews several different methods a parent can use, all have their ups and downs, it does a nice job of breaking those down for you, but in the end it all boils down to no matter what just pick what works for you. So many subjects are covered, from feeding to sleeping, medical care to screen time, it is definitely a book to refer back to as needed for a first time parent. The author includes personal experience and even how drastically one child's needs can differ from another. My only complaint is that I didn't have the benefit of this book when my son was a baby, and I wish it was expanded more for as your kids get older because let me tell you, school aged kids bring a whole new realm of struggles and judgmental people.

My Rating: If you are a parent or a parent-to-be and are looking for a book for Non-Fiction November, I would highly recommend this one. I wish I had been able to read this when I was struggling through new mommyhood. I give it a rating of Three Paws and a Stump Wag.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher; the above is my honest review and opinion.

You can find out more about Lindsay Powers and her books on her Goodreads Page or Instagram.

You Can't F*ck Up Your Kids was released earlier this year so you can obtain your own copy now in print or digital format from Amazon or Barnes & Noble or request it at your local library or bookstore.

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