
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

October 2020 Wrap Up & November TBR

Good grief, what the heck happened to October?!  It has been a totally insane month that just flew by.  I guess it is just the beginning of the end, the next two months will go about the same.  I really hope then end up being as fantastic of reading months as this one has been!

First and foremost is my only actual challenge for the  year . . .

TBR Books from the Past 3 Years:
I didn't manage to read any books off my past three year haul list but . . .

I did read one book off my older TBR (not included in the last 3 years of hauls):

2020 Books added to TBR & Read:
Once again, I managed to really focus a lot on my recently added books, I want to really get this list down.



October Additions:
While I didn't quite stick to the one book a week thing, I was much better behaved this month!  



So I added 13 books to my shelves in October, but I have read 6 of those already and 1 is a gift, so I am still okay with this.  I do hope to reduce these numbers pretty quickly over the next month. 

In other reading I am tracking this year, I read . . .


Borrowed Books:

Books Over 500 Pages:
13. Serpent & Dove (513)

Requested Reviews:
Jingle All the Way (Netgalley)
A Real Royal ChristMess (Pump Up Your Book)
The Rules of Enchantment (Direct)
You Can't F*ck Up Your Kids (Direct)

August Reading Stats:
I read a total of 26 books this month
3,500 pages read and 4 days, 8 hours and 33 minute of listening

Resolutions Check in:
1. Read that TBR: I have pretty much given up on this goal, if I can just focus on not adding to it at this point I will be happy. - :(
2. Purchase Less Books: Last year in October I attended a romance book convention and ended up purchasing 37 books, so I would say that my 13 this year is looking pretty darn good.  - CHECK
3. Read Big Books: I managed one book over 500 pages, I still wanted to read more but oh well, I am pretty happy with how many I have already read this year. - CHECK
4. Interact: I did a little better about posting on Instagram and replying to others and commenting on other pages but I still have a ways to go. - :/ 


I am super proud of myself, last month I managed to read all but 5 of the books that were on my TBR list, it gives me hope that my list for this month, while large, is doable.  I have decided to implement a new rule for myself, since I haven't been able to make progress on my past years Purchase Lists, I decided that for every book that is left over from this years list (through the end of November - I am not counting December because a lot of those books come at Christmas and doesn't give me time to read them before the end of the year), I have to get rid of 2 books off my TBR shelves. Kind of a different take on the whole 1 in 2 out concept for minimal living. I think this will really motivate me to read all these books and to bring less in leading up to the holidays. It will also force me to really take a look at all those book still sitting on my TBR shelf. 

So anyway, that was long-winded, but here is my TBR for November. 

For TBR List
Blind Search *Currently Reading

and for requested reviews
Camelot Betrayal * Currently Reading

Like I said, another totally overly ambitious TBR but last month went super well and this month we not only have the Tome Topple Readathon but also the start of the Tis the Seasonathon.  I also am working on getting a bunch of my reading done for Advent Reads. I think it will be a nice mix of quick light holiday reads and denser fantasy reads. 

What changes have you made to your TBR to get ready for the end of the year?

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