
Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday Reading List

Its Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Shelia at Book Journey. Share what books you have finished in the last week, are currently reading and what might be coming up next!

Reviews Posted Last Week:
Links will take you to my review

Into the Dream by Suzanne Weyn
Taking Stock by Scott Bartlett
Doms of Dark Haven by Cherise Sinclair (After Dark)
Bear's New Friend by Karma Wilson (Bedtime Story)
Dark Gods by Josepha Sherman
Mini Reviews

Books Finished Last Week:
Reviews will be posted at a later date

Pressed Pennies
Flight Vol. One
Welcome to Trucktown
Biscuit Loves the Library
Big Cat the Proud
On The Farm
Hades: Lord of the Dead
5 Minute Disney Pixar Stories
Count to 10 with a Mouse
The Bippolo Seed & Other Lost Stories
The Legendary Yoda
Birds of Prey Vol. 1

Currently Reading:

Ophelia by Lisa M. Klein - PB - on Page 138 of 310
Perfect Match by Kristin Higgins - PB - on Page 243 of 441
Mozart Season by Virginia Euwer Wolff - PB - on page 35 of 272
How to Stuff a Wild Zucchini by Heather Horrocks - PB - on Page 43 of 265
Doms of Dark Haven 2 by Cherise Sinclair et al - Nook - 52%

 Books to be Read Soon:
Lest the Dew Rust Them by Michael Drakich (Requested Review)
My Heart to Yours by Michelle Zarrin (Requested Review)


So with my week finally settling down this last week (after the chaos of vacation and Easter) I got down to reading again. Sadly, that did not work out so well . .
We ended up spending all day Thursday in the Emergency Room at Hasbro Children's Hospital with Munchkin. He was having extreme difficulty breathing and we ended up having to bring home a nebulizer to continue his treatments all weekend.  Thankfully he responded well and is nearly better. He did manage to get an ear infection again too, even though he has tubes in his ears! I swear I just can't keep him healthy.

 I have a bunch of requested reviews I want to get to so have really been pushing myself to read whenever I have a spare moment.  With that in mind I also realized that we are dangerously near the end of the month and I need to get some writing done to avoid having to release some more of my writing, but more on that on my writing post coming up next Wednesday.  I hope some of you were able to participate in Dewey's Readathon this weekend, I was able to participate at least a few hours on Saturday and will have a full report for you later this afternoon.

 Later this week we move into May so I will have a the 2014 Challenge Update for you, I am still pretty pleased with myself.  I have done a lot of reading this year, been keeping up with my reviews, added some new features to the blog and have more exciting things coming up.  May 12 - 18 is Children's book week in which I hope to have lots of not only picture books for you but also some early readers and middle grade books to share with young readers in your lives. I have also been working very hard on a 'From the Book' project to be introduced in May.

Somehow with all of this happening I still managed to treat myself to new nails! My Easter nails didn't last long so last Sunday night I decided to paint them again. I found this polish called Berry Scary in this Etsy shop, it is a purple glitter polish that has a berry scent when dry! I was a bit skeptical but was totally shocked how strong the smell was when it dried and it lingered for a few days even.  I do have to say though I could do without the glitter, I would have preferred just the transparent purple color with the smell.
Later last week I also wanted to try out these great false nails with frogs and rain. I got them for 'April Showers' at this Etsy Shop so needed to wear them before the end of the month! They worked out really well, and I used these little nail stickers instead of glue and they didn't damage my nails at all.

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