
Monday, February 8, 2016

Monday Reading List

Its Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Shelia at Book Journey. Share what books you have finished in the last week, are currently reading and what might be coming up next!

Reviews Posted Last Week:
Links will take you to my review

Night of the Ninjas by Mary Pope Osborne (Magic Tree House)
When We Were Young (Winnie the Pooh #3) by A.A. Milne
Night Study by Maria V. Snyder
Dante's Fire by Jennifer Probst (After Dark)
Rocket's 100th Day of School by Tad Hills (Early Reader)
The Magical Snowman by Catherine Walters (Bedtime Story)
What is the Super Bowl by Dina Anastasio

 Books Finished Last Week:
Reviews will be posted at a later date

Pup, Pup and Away = 1pt
Winter's Thaw = 3pts
Hope Springs = 3pts
Summer Fling = 3pts
Falling Softly = 3pts
Afternoon on the Amazon = 5pts
Rocket's 100th Day of School = 1pt
Winnie the Pooh #3 = 3pts
Lolly's Picnic = 1pt
Trina Bell's Humming Summer = 3pts
The Madness of Lord Ian MacKenzie = 3pts
Aure the Topaz = 5pts

Currently Reading:

 Books to be Read Soon:


Total Points Earned
108 points + 34 points earned + 5 points Completing Series = 147 points

Total Points Earned this Year: 197
Total Points Spent this Year: 50

Pages Read/ Time Listened
46:19 Hours Listened (10:48 listened this week)
7,141 Pages Read (1,644 this week)

Books Added to Shelves

Interesting Tidbits on the Web:



Wow, another great reading week for me.  I got wrapped up in yet another series and I spent a couple of days doing almost nothing but reading. I am also finally starting to get a hang of scheduling posts and keeping up with them, even with the busy posting schedule, work, Munchkin and other interests. It was also a little bit of a whirlwind week last week with Hubby's birthday, the Super Bowl yesterday and of course the kick off to the Month of Letters.

With everything being so busy I have had to sit down and reassess my schedule and I have decided in order to allow myself more time to make the month of RI Authors a success. I have several interviews and giveaways as well as the reviews of books by RI Authors to plan and coordinate.  Normally I have this event in the month of March but I am not seeing this as a possibility right now, there is just too much I would like to accomplish.  So I am now going to establish April as my RI Author Feature Month instead of March.

With all this excitement going on it is hard to stay focused!


  1. Sounds like you have lots going on. I can't believe it's been a whole year! It seems like you just had your RI author month! Crazy!

    1. I know, it seems like the past year has flown by (at least that means that winter will be over quickly).
