
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Review of Pressed Pennies by Steven Manchester

My Review: "Pressed Pennies is mainstream fiction, written from a male perspective to a female audience. A la Nicolas Sparks and Robert James Waller, it is a tale of connecting love stories, proving that the world really is a small place and that the trick is to cherish it by living each of its moments to the fullest. Amid the heart-warming romances and deceitful twists and turns, Pressed Pennies tackles the trying issues associated with living in a non-traditional family. In an era of divorce and single-parenthood, it is a story about raising children and peacefully co-existing; making it work with mutual respect and consideration. The book's underlying theme is discovered in the evolution of the 80's child. Though life begins as wholesome and innocent, technology quickly takes over. Suddenly, two parents must leave the home and go to work. Day care, fast food and a list of coveted luxuries replace long talks in porch swings, tree forts and family suppers. The price for comfort proves very expensive, though, as the American family is traded in for the American dream."

My Review: I received this book from the author for an honest review. I will admit that I have a couple other books by Mr. Manchester and have loved everyone of them. This however maybe the best I have read from him so far. Steven has a wonderful way of pulling you into the story and allowing you the pleasure of feeling the emotional rollercoaster right along with the characters. For me the set of characters in Pressed Pennies were some of his most developed and relatable characters and I grew very fond of each of them. In the synopsis it mentions that the writing is along the lines of Nicholas Sparks, I would also add Jason F. Wright in there too because there are hints at religion and God's goodness. This was the perfect feel good, tear creating romance I was looking for at the time, the nice thing was that it wasn't fluff like a lot of them are, it makes an impact. I also really enjoyed the references to actual places and sites, being from the area where the story is set those references drew me even more into the story. All in all a great book and I really hope that some of you will pick it up when it is published (on May 13, 2014)!
My Rating: I really enjoyed this book and it was everything that I had hoped it would be! I felt frustration, loss, anger, joy, hope and of course there were tears. I give Pressed Pennies a rating of Four Paws and Stump Wag!
Pressed Pennies was sent to me by the author for an honest review.
You can find out more about Steven Manchester and his work on his Goodreads Page or Website.
You can also obtain your own copy of Pressed Pennies in either digital or print formats on Amazon or Barnes & Noble (available for pre-order the release date is set for May 13th)


  1. Sounds good. Though, comparing it to Nicholas Sparks doesn't do it for me I'd still read this one.

    1. Not everyone likes Sparks' style of writing but I appreciate his ability to allow you to connect with the characters and gives you permission to feel their emotions.
