
Thursday, May 1, 2014

2014 Challenge Update - April

It's hard to believe we are already 4 months into the year yet at the same time I can't believe the year isn't half over yet! I have been doing a little reading again this month, though not as much as I had expected.
So here we go:
Mental Illness Advocacy Challenge
No progress made on this challenge (though one of the review books I read could probably be counted towards it).
Series Challenge
I didn't make as much progress with this challenge as I would have liked, though I will definitely complete the challenge as 3 of the 5 series I wanted to complete are already done and two more are nearly there. All I really want to do is to take a day out of work and sit down to read a series one book right after another with no interruptions HAHA fat chance of that happening!
Series #1: Harry Potter - Book 1
Series #2: Secret of the Unicorn Queen - Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, Book 4, Book 5, Book 6 - Series Complete!
Series #3: Rose Harbor - Book 1, Book 1.5
Series #4: Firebrand - Book #1, Book #2, Book #3 - Series Complete!
Series #5: Gifted Series - Book #1, Book #2, Book #3 - Series Complete!
Series #6: Master of the Mountain - Book 1, Book 1.5, Book 2, Book 2.5
Audio Book Challenge
I fell a little behind here this month, the books have gotten longer and I seem to be having less time to sit and enjoy them, but I have a little wiggle room on this one since I only promised 10 books in a year.
Graphic Novel Challenge
A little ahead of the game but it is nice to break up the constant novels with something short and illustrated.
10. Relish
Mount TBR
I am still pretty close to on track with this challenge so far this year but didn't make as much progress as I would have liked, of course all these shiny new books I ordered and downloaded have definitely put a damper on this challenge.
3. Beauty

Erotica Challenge
I am definitely keeping pace on this challenge, I have downloaded enough books to get me through the year no problem now! I am nearly done with the Master of the Mountain series (though she is releasing book 4 this month) and may take a brief break to catch up on the rest of my challenges.
 Wow I can't believe how much I slowed down this month, I guess that is what happens when you try to push through books you aren't enjoying as much.  I did however read a lot of books to Munchkin since he has been so sick. So of course shorter books like Children's add up quickly on the goodreads challenge.  I am up to 116 books so far this year and am 65 books ahead of schedule!  At least I am keeping up some where, but I knew I would fall behind at some point.
How are your challenges going? Are you finding you are focusing on any one particular challenge first or just working on them all at once?


  1. I'm not doing any challenges this year. You're doing good and your still got 8 more months.

    1. Wow when you look at it that way I have plenty of time to finish! Thanks!

  2. I really don't do too many challenges... but you are doing great!!

    1. I for some reason almost always over extend myself on the challenges but I seem to be holding my own this year for a change.
