
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Review of Moonspell by Gwen Hansen

Synopsis: "Every seven years, the unicorns of Arren must journey to the distant mountain land of Ryudain to replenish their power - and Sheila and her warrior friends are duty-bound to escort them there safely before the next full moon.

But many dangers await them on this trip - including the mysterious terrain, violent rainstorms, a savage tribe who want to sacrifice the unicorns to their angry gods...and the evil sorceror Mardock. Ready to strike out at Sheila for thwarting his plans for unlimited power, he is determined to use his magic to destroy her - and any chance she has of getting home...."

My Review: This was a bit of an improvement over the last book, though again a new character was added, but this time she was suddenly the answer to everyone's problems and had all the answers. I also found it odd that in this book suddenly everyone believes that Sheila can really do magic. The ending was kind of abrupt but of course there had to be a little bit of an opening at the end so it wasn't so unhappy.
My Rating: I hate to say this because I love reading about unicorns but I am glad this series is over.  This final book was good but not a great finale to the series.  I give it a rating of Two Paws and a Stump Wag.


  1. Aw dang! The synopsis sounded so good. That's depressing to hear it's not so good.

    1. I think it was influenced by the fact that the whole series really didn't produce for me. I really wanted to like it and that set me up for even more of a disappointment.
