
Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday Reading List

Its Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Shelia at Book Journey. Share what books you have finished in the last week, are currently reading and what might be coming up next!

Reviews Posted Last Week:
Links will take you to my review

Sun Blind by Gwen Hansen
One Shark, No Swim by Lehua Parker
Bound to Seduction by Elisabeth Naughton (After Dark)
Dr. Seuss' Sleep Softly by Dr. Seuss (Bedtime Story)
Zeus: King of the Gods by George O'Connor (Graphic Novel)

Books Finished Last Week:
Reviews will be posted at a later date

The Final Test
The Shape of Me and Other Stuff
Bear's New Friend
Possessed by Desire
Into the Dream
Dark Gods
A Fool Among Fools
Hot as Hades

Currently Reading:

Ophelia by Lisa M. Klein - PB - on Page 138 of 310
Making the Rounds with Oscar by Dave Dosa - Audio - 68%
Perfect Match by Kristan Higgins - PB - on page 36 of 441
Knightmare by Deborah Valentine - Kindle- 4%

 Books to be Read Soon:
Water Harvest by Eric Diehl (Requested Review)
Lest the Dew Rust Them by Michael Drakich (Requested Review)
From My Heart to Yours by Michelle Zarrin (Requested Review)
Hard as You Can by Laura Kaye
Enchanted No More by Robin D. Owens (Mount TBR)
Firebringer Trilogy by Meredith Ann Pierce (Series & Mount TBR)


Another busy week this week, both reading and otherwise! I really cannot believe how much reading I have done so far this year, already over 60 books, and well on my way to completing my goals! I am expecting come summer that reading will go down hill as I hope to be outside doing fun things with Munchkin. Not to mention I plan on participating in Nano Camp in July and regular Nano in November (of course the holidays are always insanely busy as well). So I guess I am just getting ahead of the game now.
I actually painted my nails twice this week (while listening to Making the Rounds with Oscar). On Monday I had my first attempt at true nail art, I painted my nails Breezy Blue and then used a nail art pen to paint the flowers. I am rather impressed with myself, I even managed to do my right hand!
Then on Friday I had to prepare for St. Patrick's Day! I ordered this great shamrock glitter special for it from this Etsy Shop


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