
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Graphic Novel Review of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Synopsis: "Captain Nemo! The Invisible Man! Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde! Intrepid explorer Allan Quatermain! These and other amazing heroes of the Victorian age unite to save the world in Alan Moore's legendary tale, the inspiration for the 2003 Sean Connery film."

My Review: This was a little bit of a disappointment to me. I wasn't able to finish reading it and you would expect to be able to push through a short graphic novel but I couldn't force myself. You have to be very familiar with all the characters from other stories already because you don't really get an introduction to them. There is a lot going on and the images are so tiny you can't really see what exactly is going on. Also there was a whole page in Arabic (I think) that wasn't translated so that added even further to my confusion. Sad to say it was a loss for me.
My Rating: Yup so couldn't finish this one. I have come to the conclusion that its not worth wasting my time when there are so many other books to read.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Bedtime Story: Mommy Loves

Synopsis: "Animal babies are so adorable that their mommies can't help but cuddle and love them. In this celebration of parental love, each mommy shows how much she loves her baby in her own special way."

My Review: This is my favorite of the set of books! Mommy animals love all their babies. The book uses the correct names for the babies. The images are all cute. And guess what . . . its also a counting book!
My Rating: So cute, I loved this book with all the baby animals to count and love. I give this one a rating of Four Paws!
Good Night! Sweet Dreams!

From the Review Pile #7

From the Review Pile is a meme hosted by Stepping Out of the Page every Thursday.
The aim of this meme is to showcase books that you've received for review (or if you don't receive review books, any book that you own and really want to read/review) but haven't yet got around to reading, in order to give the book some extra publicity.

I know that a lot of you have a huge pile of books that you want to read/review, but it understandably takes a while to get around to reading them all - here you can give a book (or two!) some of the publicity that it deserves, even if you haven't read it yet!


Synopsis: "Hera couldn't care less what the other gods think, even when it's about her. And it often is. Frankly, Hera couldn't care less about anything, except doing her duty as queen - protecting order and defending the mortal world against any threats. But when the Fates go missing, Hera and a handful of other gods must temporarily become mortal to search the human world for the missing goddesses.

Hera finds that mortality begins to change her. It's not just the loss of her divine powers. She expected that. It's deeper somehow. It's affecting how she thinks, how she feels, what's important to her. And it gets much worse after she meets Justin, who defies every prejudice she once had
about mortals. At the worst possible time, and despite all her efforts, Hera's black-and-white world starts to unravel.

Torn between who she's becoming and who she needs to be in order to fulfill her duty, Hera must survive a horde of murderous creatures sent to exploit her new weakness. In the end, only Hera can stop a traitorous plot conceived by a secret alliance of ancient and new enemies, a plot that threatens to destroy not only the order Hera is sworn to protect, but all of existence itself."


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Review of Hot on her Heels by Susan Mallery

Synopsis: "Sleeping with the enemy just might have its own rewards...

Dana Birch vowed never to put herself at the mercy of a powerful man. She became a deputy so that she could take care of herself, and protect those she loved. Especially her best friends, the Titan sisters.

Twenty years ago, Garth Duncan swore revenge on Jed Titan for abandoning Garth and his mother. Now he s back to fulfill that promise, even if Jed s daughters get caught in the crosshairs. All that stands between him and his goal is Dana, her gun, and a growing passion that can't be denied..."

My Review: I know I said this before but this is the best book in the series! I connected with Dana the most out of all the female characters and was happy to see her progression. I also like how we began to see a resolution to the horrible events that have taken place throughout the series, and the bad guy get his due! I would have liked to see more of Kathy but understand why she had such a minor role. I did really enjoy getting to know Garth and watching his character learn about himself. This was a great conclusion to the Lone Star Sisters series even though I have to say I am going to miss being there ;)
My Rating: I don't know how these books just keep getting better! I am going to miss these characters now that the series is over.  I give this one a rating of Four Paws and a Stump Wag!
Note there are adult sexy scenes in Hot on her Heels but they can be lightly skimmed over if you wish to avoid them.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Review of Straight from the Hip by Susan Mallery

Synopsis: "Izzy has always been the fearless Titan sister. But when an oil rig blows up, leaving her barely able to see, her sisters find themselves as concerned by her emotional withdrawal as by the possibility that the explosion was no accident. Are the mind games their long-lost brother Garth has been playing turning physical? Or is someone else out to get them?
When her sisters enroll her in a survivor training camp, Izzy is not happy. Nick, her instructor, is determined that she won't be left in the dark. In more ways than one. But if he tells her the terrible truth behind why he's helping her, he'll never see her again. Unless they're both willing to take the biggest risk of all."

My Review: I adore Izzy, I think she is my favorite sister so with the ending of Lip Service (book 2 in the series) I was devastated! I really think this is the best book of the bunch! I was kind of expecting Izzy's story to be a lot steamier but I really enjoyed the personality growth and self searching! I love the new characters that were added in this series, Aaron seems like the best friend everyone should have! I will also say the worse bad guy is beginning to show his face and the other bad guy is looking like a not so horrible person. You will have to read to figure out which is which ;) I am on to read the last book in the series (and probably finish it in one day like I did this one)!
My Rating: Gosh this one was fantastic! I was glued to this book and couldn't stop until I was done.  This is definitely a Four Paw and a Stump Wag book!
Note there are a couple of adult sexy scenes but they can be skimmed over if you prefer to avoid them.  It is only a little heat, not enough for an After Dark rating ;)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Review of Lip Service by Susan Mallery

Synopsis: "Skye Titan's wealthy father thinks he can still dictate his daughter's choice in men. Now widowed and a single mother, Skye isn't the yes-girl she once was. Especially since the love of her life is back in Texas after eight long years. He won't like the answers to the questions he's asking. About why she left him at the altar. And about her eight-year-old daughter.

Former navy SEAL Mitch Cassidy comes home to find nearly everything different. His wounds from battle have changed the way people treat him. His cattle ranch is suddenly organic. But time hasn't touched his desire for Skye -- or the sting of her betrayal. Forget lip service. He's asking that luscious mouth of hers to reveal the truth. But will Mitch be able to put the past aside to help Skye get out from under her father's thumb and help himself recover from a broken heart?"

My Review: I have to say I love this series, every time I finish a book I have to pick the next book up and then I can't stop reading until I am done! That said of the Titan sisters I think Skye is my least favorite, not that I don't like her, she just isn't my favorite. She seems to good and too much of a pushover, I just can't stand that in a female character. However I adore her daughter Erin, I could see myself being Erin's friend and of course Mitch! He has his issues (putting it lightly) but I love him (not as much as Cruz). I really enjoy the story line of this series, it isn't all mush, there is a little mystery and drama behind it propelling the story through the books. You don't really know who is the worst bad guy but they are easy to hate. The ending really makes you pick up the next book, it was so dramatic!
My Rating: I so enjoyed this book and am loving the whole series! Lip Service gets a rating of Four Paws!
Please note there are a couple of adult sexy scenes but those can be skimmed over. I didn't feel it was enough to be an After Dark.

Review of Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater

Synopsis: "For years, Grace has watched the wolves in the woods behind her house. One yellow-eyed wolf—her wolf—is a chilling presence she can't seem to live without.

Meanwhile, Sam has lived two lives: In winter, the frozen woods, the protection of the pack, and the silent company of a fearless girl. In summer, a few precious months of being human… until the cold makes him shift back again.

Now, Grace meets a yellow-eyed boy whose familiarity takes her breath away. It's her wolf. It has to be. But as winter nears, Sam must fight to stay human—or risk losing himself, and Grace, forever."

My Review: UGH!! I almost didn't finish this book, of course I had to go buy the whole bundle since everyone raved about it, but I don't know if I can bear to read the other two books. Warning there are about to be spoilers as I rant This felt like I was reading a more boring version of Twilight. Oh I'm an introverted girl who isn't scared of the sudden idea of paranormal and I always knew I loved the wolf that was a creepy stalker, and now he is human and I just know we will spend the rest of our lives together, I will do anything to be with him. Oh and my parents don't seem to notice anything odd going on, neither do the teachers when I start to miss school even though I am top of the class and never break the rules. UGH!!! I can't stand it! Sam is just as bad! Supposedly he is super smart and has read all the classic books written not only in English but german as well even though he only has a short time to be human every year. Have you been to northern Minnesota? You are lucky to get 2 maybe 2 & 1/2 months of warm summer weather, yet he has managed to learn a lifetime worth of information in just those couple of months each year. Oh and by the way he is the only one who seems to be able to fight off the wolf urges when in that form. Nothing happens for most of the book and I found myself just skimming to get through the book, I was so bored! Yeah, so I really doubt I will read the rest of the series even though I spent the money to buy the bundle, I definitely learned from that mistake.
My Rating:  For all those reasons and more I can't give this one more than One Paw. I almost wish I could give it less but well my critters don't have less than a paw.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday Reading List

Its Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Shelia at Book Journey. Share what books you have finished in the last week, are currently reading and what might be coming up next!

Reviews Posted Last Week:
Links will take you to my review
October Night by Theresa Oles
Under Her Skin by Susan Mallery (After Dark)
Finding Time by E.R. Pierce (After Dark)
Daddy Cuddles (Bedtime Story)

Books Finished Last Week:
Reviews will be posted at a later date

Straight From the Hip
Hot on Her Heels
It's Time to Sleep, My Love
My Truck is Stuck
Currently Reading:

Blood in the Valley by JK Hogan - Kindle - 5%
Stork by Wendy Delsol - Audio CD - on Disc 2

 Books to be Read Soon:
Heat Wave by Richard Castle (Audio Challenge)
Soft Spots by Clint Van Winkle (Mental Illness Advocacy Challenge)



It was a rough week with Munchkin but I still managed to get a decent amount of reading.  Keep your eyes peeled over the next couple of weeks for a few interesting reviews!  I hope all the Dads out there had a wonderful time yesterday for Father's Day.  Munchkin assisted in making French Toast for his daddy and gave Daddy some new books to share between the two of them.

Happy Reading this week!