
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Review of Straight from the Hip by Susan Mallery

Synopsis: "Izzy has always been the fearless Titan sister. But when an oil rig blows up, leaving her barely able to see, her sisters find themselves as concerned by her emotional withdrawal as by the possibility that the explosion was no accident. Are the mind games their long-lost brother Garth has been playing turning physical? Or is someone else out to get them?
When her sisters enroll her in a survivor training camp, Izzy is not happy. Nick, her instructor, is determined that she won't be left in the dark. In more ways than one. But if he tells her the terrible truth behind why he's helping her, he'll never see her again. Unless they're both willing to take the biggest risk of all."

My Review: I adore Izzy, I think she is my favorite sister so with the ending of Lip Service (book 2 in the series) I was devastated! I really think this is the best book of the bunch! I was kind of expecting Izzy's story to be a lot steamier but I really enjoyed the personality growth and self searching! I love the new characters that were added in this series, Aaron seems like the best friend everyone should have! I will also say the worse bad guy is beginning to show his face and the other bad guy is looking like a not so horrible person. You will have to read to figure out which is which ;) I am on to read the last book in the series (and probably finish it in one day like I did this one)!
My Rating: Gosh this one was fantastic! I was glued to this book and couldn't stop until I was done.  This is definitely a Four Paw and a Stump Wag book!
Note there are a couple of adult sexy scenes but they can be skimmed over if you prefer to avoid them.  It is only a little heat, not enough for an After Dark rating ;)

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