
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Review of Lip Service by Susan Mallery

Synopsis: "Skye Titan's wealthy father thinks he can still dictate his daughter's choice in men. Now widowed and a single mother, Skye isn't the yes-girl she once was. Especially since the love of her life is back in Texas after eight long years. He won't like the answers to the questions he's asking. About why she left him at the altar. And about her eight-year-old daughter.

Former navy SEAL Mitch Cassidy comes home to find nearly everything different. His wounds from battle have changed the way people treat him. His cattle ranch is suddenly organic. But time hasn't touched his desire for Skye -- or the sting of her betrayal. Forget lip service. He's asking that luscious mouth of hers to reveal the truth. But will Mitch be able to put the past aside to help Skye get out from under her father's thumb and help himself recover from a broken heart?"

My Review: I have to say I love this series, every time I finish a book I have to pick the next book up and then I can't stop reading until I am done! That said of the Titan sisters I think Skye is my least favorite, not that I don't like her, she just isn't my favorite. She seems to good and too much of a pushover, I just can't stand that in a female character. However I adore her daughter Erin, I could see myself being Erin's friend and of course Mitch! He has his issues (putting it lightly) but I love him (not as much as Cruz). I really enjoy the story line of this series, it isn't all mush, there is a little mystery and drama behind it propelling the story through the books. You don't really know who is the worst bad guy but they are easy to hate. The ending really makes you pick up the next book, it was so dramatic!
My Rating: I so enjoyed this book and am loving the whole series! Lip Service gets a rating of Four Paws!
Please note there are a couple of adult sexy scenes but those can be skimmed over. I didn't feel it was enough to be an After Dark.

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