
Monday, July 29, 2013

Lets Get Personal: Flare for Writing

So last month on my Pen to Paper Post I mentioned my odd collection and obsession with unique stationary. So when I pulled out my letter writing box for this months letters I decided to snap some quick pictures of what I had in there.
So I really enjoy quirky paper that I find, and I try to pick the stationary that I think suits the letter and the receiver.
First I have the more formal paper for my classier letters.
I honestly never know which end to put at the top so it varies haha
And then I have my fun and funky animal paper
Of course I have to have all kinds of pony themed paper
And since most of the time I am writing someone about books I had to have some that were book themed
And Last but not least this stunning paper I found but only a limited amount that is so perfect for pen pal writing
I know I have a lot more paper than that but these are the varieties that I have currently in my writing box.  I am always looking for new and different paper too. My favorite places to look are Amazon and Etsy! If you ever are looking for something unique and can't find it, just let me know and I will check my stash or hunt you down that perfect touch to your letters ;)


  1. Those are so cool! I used to have cat themed stationery when I was younger. I always loved using it! :)

    1. It is a fun part of the letter writing process to pick out the paper and pen to write to a dear one.
