
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Review of Tower by Jade Varden

You can see my review of Justice, Book 1 in the Deck of Lies series HERE
Synopsis: "Death brings some families closer, but it’s ripped mine apart. I wanted to convince the police that they had the wrong suspect...but I never expected them to start suspecting me. Now, I have no choice but to keep searching for the truth, even if all my relationships fall to pieces around me.

Someone is trying to make me look guilty. I never thought my mission to prove my own innocence would lead me to more family secrets. I thought I had already discovered the truth about myself. But every answer raises more questions, and everything I think I know is about to change...again.

I have to find the truth, no matter how much it hurts -- before I get charged with murder."

My Review: Wow, wow, wow! I get totally absorbed in these books! I never expected to enjoy mystery books, or ones that are almost soap opera like, but I really can't get enough of this series! We continue to follow Rain after the conclusion of Justice. I kind of missed having River there but he was always on everyone's mind and hovering in the background. Gosh, I can't help but wonder is this really how the well off families live? With constant lies and cover-ups? Tower really sucks you in and keeps you turning the pages as more and more twists arise leaving you as puzzled as Rain. Varden drops little details through out the story that slowly start to be pulled together, but still really making you think and guess and then doubt your conclusion. Of course then there is the ending . . . . Yup I must now download the next book, immediately!
My Rating:  Wow, such a great follow up to the first book in the series! I usually grow more and more disappointed as I read later books in a series but not here.  Even though things got a little soap opera like, I was totally absorbed and eating everything that Varden was putting out in Tower! Definitely a Four Paw book for me!
Tower was sent to me by the author.
Justice was sent to me by the author for an honest review.

To find out more about the Deck of Lies series and Jade Varden please visit her Goodreads Page or Blog
You can obtain your own copy of Tower and the whole Deck of Lies Series in either print or digital format on Amazon or in digital format on Barnes and Noble


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