
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Shelving Saturday - #3

Welcome to Shelving Saturday

Shelving Saturday is a weekly blog event I have started here at Eastern Sunset Reads.   Each week I will post a shelving dilemma or question and you can join me in the response. Please feel free to post on your blog and link back here, please be sure to post the link to your response in the comments so I can come and check your Shelving day out!

Today's Shelving Saturday Question:  Do you have a shelf dedicated to a particular author? Or perhaps rather long series by an author?

I do (actually I have a couple)!

I started reading Robin Cook's medical mysteries when I was in high school and planning on becoming a neurosurgeon. I absolutely loved each one of his books so I have continued to collect them. There are so many I have dedicated an entire shelf to his books.  I don't quite have them all so Thomas Harris has joined him on the shelf and one of Laurell K. Hamilton's as well, just as space holders until I do finish my Robin Cook collection.

I also have a shelf dedicated to all the Saddle Club Books by Bonnie Bryant.  This was a set of books I loved as a girl. My friend and I use to act them out, and pretend that we were the characters on our horses.  I was Carol and she was Stevie.  It took me a while to get all of the books but I finally did, all 108 of them! The shelf now shares with several of my middle reader horse book collections (this shelf is usually stacked double deep but I pulled the first row off so you could see the set).

So tell me about your favorite authors that have whole shelves or boxes in your home! Lets see those pictures too if you have them!



  1. This is a fun idea. I'll have to try for next week, though, I'm feeling soooo lazy today. My books aren't organized. I really should try to do something about that. But I do keep authors book and series together.

  2. Thanks Jenny! I would love to have you join in, it is fun to see what everyone does with their beloved books.
