
Monday, May 9, 2011

Someone's Got the case of the Mondays!

Yes siree! I am tired and cranky today, my eyes are watering from the effort of keeping them open. 

This is what I get for the clean-a-thon of my house this weekend getting ready for company tomorrow. So I just want to give you all a little update in case I don't make it back here, I will be on vacation from tomorrow afternoon until the following Tuesday afternoon.  My best friend will be visiting, but thankfully she is a major bookworm as well and wants to go to the park and read most of her visit.  I will hopefully be able to get online and post a few reviews for you this week.

So here is a little beginning of week update for you:

Currently Reading:
Mansfield Park by Jane Austen
Immortal Rider by Larissa Ione
A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin

Bedtime Story this week is going to be Green Eggs & Ham!

My current writing adventure: 13,892 words (I started out strong and then faded sadly, but hoping to get some work done while at the office today and tomorrow).

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and find lots of  new adventures in your books!


  1. You've gotten pretty far on your writing. I wish I could be close to that many words. I think I broke 1000 before I hit a wall. Lol. Have fun! See you next week (or before then).

  2. Thank you both! I have gotten pretty far in my writting, but for some reason I get about this far and then hit a wall (I think I have about 4 or 5 stories at this point).
