
Friday, May 6, 2011

In My Mailbox - #3 & Bedtime Story: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

   In My Mailbox is a weekly event hosted by The Story Siren that I have decided to participate in.

How IMM works:
Make your own IMM post! You can post about books you've bought, gotten from the library, received for review... books don't have to arrive via your mailbox. 
I post every week, but you don’t have to. You can do one week out of the month or every other week it’s up to you. 
You don't have to call your post In My Mailbox... (some people don't even have mailboxes!)
I post my IMM on Sunday, but choose a day of the week that works for you.
Once you have your IMM posted, come back to The Story Siren on Sunday and add your link to the list. 
Try to post a comment on other bloggers IMM posts. I don’t expect you to post a comment on every single one, but pick a few!

All book bloggers are welcome, while I’d like to keep the theme to YA literature it’s NOT a requirement.

There is no right or wrong way to do In My Mailbox, you can vlog, you can take fun picture, you can use the books cover art, it’s up to you!

Most importantly HAVE FUN!

So Here is my In My Mailbox #3

Barnes and Noble had a great sale for the classics that I need for my own personal reading challenge so . . .

I picked up the following titles:

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
War and Peace by Leo Tulstoy
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Anna Karenina by Leo Tulstoy
Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams
Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller

And you see that last book?! A person on the mlparena announced that she had the first book in a trilogy published so I had to get a copy for myself!
Synopsis: "Charbroiling a cheerleader, twisting a tornado in history class, darting head-on into a Shadow-wing dragon named wasn't exactly how Thunderstorm Valdar had pictured his first day at his new school, Paracelsus Academy. Thunder and his family had just relocated from Chicago to Silver Oak, a move he wasn't thrilled about. Up until that fateful day, Thunder had been an ordinary - though socially awkward - teenager who didn't know that his uneventful life was about to change forever."


And Now for a little bedtime story . . . .

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barret

Synopsis: "The tiny town of Chewandswallow was very much like any other tiny town except for its weather which came three times a day, at breakfast, lunch and dinner. But it never rained rain and it never snowed snow and it never blew just wind. It rained things like soup and juice. It snowed things like mashed potatoes. And sometimes the wind blew in storms of hamburgers. Life for the townspeople was delicious until the weather took a turn for the worse. The food got larger and larger and so did the portions. Chewandswallow was plagues by damaging floods and storms of huge food. The town was a mess and the pople feared for their lives. Something had to be done, and in a hurry."

My Review:  I had never read Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs before, and I don't recall my parents ever reading it to me or my brother either.  Now that I have read it I can kind of understand why.  Honestly, I was not thrilled with this book. I don't really understand the point of the story, there really wasn't a moral to it. Granted it was a fun little story the grandfather told but not something I would read to my own kids.

My Rating:  I think I would give Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs a rating of 2 Paw Prints.  Unfortunately, I think the movie was better than the book this time.

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