
Sunday, November 24, 2019

Tome Topple Wrap Up

I have been participating in the Tome Topple Readathon that was hosted as a Goodreads Group.  It was a 2 week challenge from the November 9th to November 22nd, and your goal was to read books over 500 pages. You can see my original sign up post HERE.

I had definitely set myself up with an overly ambitious TBR but I am still happy I managed to even finish one.  What I am more pleased about is the fact that it got me over that big book fear again.  I am now ready to pick up a few more tomes before the end of the year!

I only finished one book, Valor at a whopping 688 pages long.
I am so glad I was able to pick this one up, and am once again kicking myself for waiting so long to read it! Once I finish a couple more requested reviews and holiday books I plan on diving back into this world with Ruin and then finally Wrath, hopefully before the end of this year.

My biggest tip for having a successful Tome Topple is to read the book in multiple formats! You will be surprised by how quickly the pages pass when you listen to the audio book in the car and while doing chores, or reading the ebook on your phone while waiting in lines. 

Did you participate in Tome Topple? What books did you read? Did you enjoy reading a big book or did you find it to be difficult to read?

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