
Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Top 5 Wednesday: Hyped 2019 Releases I'm Taking a Pass On

Top 5 Wednesday is a group on Goodreads hosted by Sam from Thoughts on Tomes on Youtube.

So this week's topic is about the top books that everyone else is hyped for but I am not, I am often on the outside of the hype when it comes to new releases. I do get hyped for popular series but I am always late to the game it seems.  Anyway, here are some of the books that everyone and their friends seem to be highly anticipating but leave me kind of meh.

It was like pulling teeth for me to get through the first book and it kind of makes me sad because so many of my favorite readers are ready to give their right arm for this one but I just couldn't bring myself to continue the series.

I was a little curious of Children of Blood and Bone but saw a lot of eh reviews and then the whole stunt with Nora Roberts, created a whole lot of nope for me. I may read these eventually but chances are pretty darn slim.

I am slowly working my way into Sci-fi and I did try a chapter on LifeL1k3 but it just wasn't for me, so I won't be picking this one up (even though I love the cover).

I still have yet to read The Hate U Give, but honestly contemporary YA is not for me anymore, the teen drama and emotions drive me up a wall. I think I will pass on this one.

I am a little sad about this one because Kiersten White is one of my new favorite authors from 2018 but I was never a Buffy fan and I don't want a book I am not interested to ruin my love of the author's works in general.

So what hyped books are you going to pass on?

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