
Monday, January 7, 2019

Bout of Books #24: Sign Ups & Updates

Time again for my favorite readathon! I love how Bout of Books stretches throughout the whole week and allows for me to work it around my schedule.

Here is the information you need in case you want to sign up too!

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda Shofner and Kelly Rubidoux Apple. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, January 7th and runs through Sunday, January 13th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 24 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team


So this post is going to be my base for the week, I will continue to come back and update it each day with my progress (as I already have a lot of posts planned for this week and don't want things too jumbled up).  I will also be updating on Instagram @EasternSunset9

Time Devoted to Reading

I would like to read between 3-4 hours each day and read about 300 pages each day.
Averaging about 1-2 hours and work and another 2 at home after Munchkin goes to bed.

My Goals

Read a total of 1,500 pages
Read at least 3 hours each day
Read a total of 5 books
Read/Finish 2 Requested Review Books

Books to Read


Number of Pages I've read today: 295
Total Number of Pages:  295
Time spent reading today:  5 hours
Total number of books I've read: 2 (White Stag & Poppy War)
Books completed: None yet
Thoughts: I did not expect either of these books to draw me in so much! I am really enjoying White Stag and it was so hard to stop the audio book of Poppy War last night. I hope to finish White Stag today since it is releasing today and my review is due. 

Number of Pages I've read today: 406
 Total Number of Pages: 711
 Time spent reading today: 6.5
Total number of books I've read: 3
Books completed: White Stag, Birthright Vol. 1: Homecoming
 Thoughts: It was definitely a great reading day yesterday, I did focus more on White Stag since I had planned on posting a review yesterday for release day (I did finish it but didn't get the review done).  I didn't have as much time to listen to the audio book of Poppy War so didn't make as much progress there, but I am absolutely loving that book! I will be starting a new book today but will also be picking up Fire & Heist a bit and I'd Rather Be Reading maybe.

Number of Pages I've read today: 140
 Total Number of Pages: 851
 Time spent reading today: 2.5
Total number of books I've read: 5 (currently reading Poppy War, I'd Rather Be Reading & Words We Don't Say)
Books completed: White Stag, Birthright Vol. 1: Homecoming
Thoughts: It was a lot busier than I expected yesterday and I wasn't able to read as much as I had hoped.  I am a little over halfway through Poppy War, which is going a lot quicker than I expected.  I do need to catch up with the readalong on Fire & Heist, it will give me the motivation I need to get it finished by the end of the week. I am not too sure if I like Words We Don't Say, it isn't quite what I expected and I might put it down. 

Number of Pages I've Read Today: 77
Total Number of Pages: 928
Time Spent Reading Today: 1 hour :(
Total Number of Books I've Read: 6 (Currently Reading: Poppy War, I'd Rather Be Reading)
Books Completed: White Stag, Birthright Vol. 1: Homecoming, My Lady's Choosing
Thoughts: So yesterday I ended up barely picking up any books, I did however get myself caught up on some reviews and scheduled blog posts. I also decided to DNF Words We Don't Say, I was about 1/3 of the way through and just really wasn't caring about the characters or solving the 'mystery'. I did pick up My Lady's Choosing on a whim and read one of the story lines and it was fun and light and a nice break from all the intense fantasy.  I am a bit behind, I do need to finish at least 2 more books and over 500 pages but I think it is doable in the next 3 days.



I don't often participate in the challenges but if I do they will be posted here.

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