
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

RI Author Month: Sweet Dreams, Sweet Death by P.K. Norton

Welcome to the RI Author Month

Synopsis: "Everybody loves Chef Garcia’s key lime coconut petit fours. Some even say they’re to die for. When four guests die at a wedding at the Beaux Rêves Hotel, the famous petit fours are blamed.
Insurance investigator Amy Lynch flies from Boston to Key West to prepare for a wrongful death suit, her first trip to the island since her fiancé died there three years ago.
Amy’s investigation is beset with problems from the get-go. The hotel management is pushing for a quick settlement regardless of fault. The local police are calling the event a tragic accident. Most potential witnesses are missing, deceased or unhelpful. The ghost of Amy’s fiancé haunts her as she fends off pressures from all sides and copes with uncertainties concerning her new relationship.
She encounters death at every turn. The health inspector who monitored the hotel kitchen dies in an auto accident; the reporter who covered the incident for the local paper turns up drowned; even a homeless woman Amy befriends is found dead. And deceased wildlife crosses her path more than once.
As she forges on in the face of these obstacles, Amy wonders if Key West is the tropical paradise of the travel brochures or a petri dish of death."

My Review: I picked this book up at a local author event, I loved the contrast of the cover and couldn't pass it up even though I am not a big mystery fan. It was a pretty enjoyable read, it would really appeal to those who are familiar with Key West as it includes a lot of local spots and traditions. As far as the mystery part, I appreciate the fact that we are given all the facts throughout the story and while I was able to figure out 'who done it' fairly early, it was still the how that kept me reading. There was definitely an interesting cast of characters that kept everything pretty light and entertaining even with the darker subject matter. This is a fun read and would be great for the summer with the setting and the easier reading.

My Rating: I am the first to admit, I am not a mystery fan, but I was rather entertained with this book. Mystery lovers might enjoy it even more, but you will really love it if you are familiar with Key West.  I give it a rating of Three Paws.

You can find out more about P.K. Norton and her books on her Website.

You can also get your own copy of Sweet Dreams, Sweet Death in print or digital format from Amazon or print format from Barnes & Noble

The next book in the series was just released on June 1st too, so you can continue the series right away!


  1. I’m not a huge mystery fan anymore so I tend to avoid them now. And the cozy, comedic mysteries have always been a bit of a....well, mystery to me. Love the cover though.

    1. I generally am not a mystery reader either, and I agree sometimes the 'cozy' mysteries are just odd and too light hearted. But this one was pretty enjoyable and while I figured out a lot of it, there was still enough left unsolved to keep me reading to the end.

  2. I would like to be a mystery fan, but I haven't read very many, and I'm still on the fence. Is this a graphic novel?

    1. I don't know if this will push you to one side of the fence or the other. It isn't a graphic novel but the cover does give it that vibe, maybe that is what drew me to it.
