
Tuesday, June 5, 2018

RI Author Month: Emma's Dream by M. Lee Prescott

Welcome to the RI Author Month

Synopsis: "A woman is the last thing on Ben Morgan’s mind as he comes home to Morgan’s Run, his family’s ranch in Saguaro Valley. Doctor’s orders, he’s home to heal, but the sooner he can get back to Santa Barbara, the better. Then he runs into Maggie Williams on Main Street, prompting vivid memories of a magical night, and Ben’s ailing heart skips a beat. 

Father of her beloved five year old daughter, the eldest of the Morgan sons is the last person Maggie expects to have crash into her car and back into her life. For years, she has struggled to forget him and to make a life for herself and her daughter, Emma, the mirror image of a father, who is unaware of her existence. Now, here he is, looking more gorgeous than the day he ran out of town. Maggie swears Ben Morgan will never break her heart again. " 

My Review: I have read a couple of Prescott's books in the past and they were okay but this one sounded like it was a good fit for me. I really enjoyed the setting and the family connection and basis of the story. I did struggle a little bit with some of the decisions Maggie makes, but it is of course fiction so no need to get worked up. Some of the push/pull between Maggie and Ben felt a little forced and the relationship does seem to rush a bit at the beginning. I really enjoyed the different side characters introduced throughout the story and look forward to reading their stories. The conflict in the middle of this story will definitely tug at your heart strings and it is definitely where the book really shines and takes on a more real feel to it. The reactions of the characters and the struggles are a lot more real than many of the romances I have read. Definitely read all the way to the end and have the tissues ready!

My Rating: While I don't really agree with the premise of this particular story or the character's decisions, I do like the setting and the characters themselves and the side characters, so I do plan to continue the series.  For this book in particular I give it a rating of Two Paws and a Stump Wag.

You can find out more about M. Lee Prescott and her work on her Goodreads Page or Website.  Admittedly, she is technically from Massachusetts, but she is right over the border, and is a part of the Rhode Island Author Association, so I have included her in the RI Author Month.

You can obtain your own copy of Emma's Dream in digital or print format from Amazon or Barnes & Noble.   Psst: Emma's Run is currently Free for digital download on both Amazon and Barnes & Noble right now so great time to try it out!


  1. I’ll have to keep this one in mind when I need a good cry.

    1. Yup, you always need a stash of those books right?!

  2. I get really frustrated with characters who make stupid decisions. I wish I could have your attitude of "it's just fiction" but I get too emotionally attached to the books I'm reading.

    1. Sometimes character decisions bother me to the point that I have to put the book down, but for some reason it doesn't bother me as much in romance.
