
Sunday, December 10, 2017

Stress Free Holidays: Coordinate Your Wrapping Paper

Welcome to my Stress Free Holidays series, I will be sharing some tips to reduce the amount of stress this time of year puts on all of us.  Some are ones I have used, some are ones I will be instituting this year, and some I will be using in the future.  If you have any great ways to reduce the amount of stress please feel free to share them with us!

On the theme of wrapping, from yesterday, I have another tip for you.  Coordinate your wrapping paper, not so much with the decor but where the gifts will be going.  Have one style for those who will be unwrapping at your house, another style for friends, another for co-workers and another for packages that need to be sent out. In our house Santa also has his own gift wrap (but often his gifts are left unwrapped and are set up).  This method allows you to find gifts under the tree with a quick glance and will also help avoid the shuffling of packages when the time comes to unwrap.  A bonus tip with this is to put the gifts that won't be needed until after the holiday (for friends or family you may be meeting after the main event) in the back so they don't get mixed up or even lost in the gift wrap headed for the trash. 


  1. I love this idea! I'm going to use it! We have special Santa paper too. My husband is always scared that Gnome will find it. Luckily, I don't have a snoopy kid.

    1. A great tip I have for the Santa paper, is that you keep your Santa paper at a friends' house and you keep hers at your house and either have wrapping parties or wrap (and even store, if you have super snoopy kids) the Santa gifts for each other. A friend and I have started doing this and it was a lot of fun this year!
