
Sunday, December 10, 2017

Advent Reads Day 10: Christmas Sucks by Joanne Kimes

Welcome to Advent Reads!
This is an event I have had on my blog for several years running now.  Each evening I feature a different holiday themed book. Think of it as your Book Advent Calendar! I post a variety of holiday books including romance, children's, middle-grade, mystery, paranormal, and I try to find some that are other holiday celebrations than Christmas too. I hope you will stop by each evening to see what new book I have for you!

Read for: Cause Christmas does suck sometimes & we need to prepare for it

Synopsis: "These days, Christmas lights adorn front porches before the Thanksgiving turkey is even in the oven. Plane tickets to visit hardly-missed relatives cost more than the suitcase full of presents people have to lug across the country. And radios everywhere play songs about that fat guy in a red suit on an endless loop. Yes, it’s official: Christmas Sucks. This title is a humorous look at America’s commercialization of the Christmas holiday season and the terrible travel, inordinate amount of preparation, and family strife that accompanies it. You can commiserate with the fact that everyone drives themselves into debt buying gifts, no one enjoys seeing long-lost relatives, and everyone is creeped out by the department store Santa. With twelve days of Christmas, there’s plenty of reasons why this is far from the most wonderful time of the year."

My Review: This was a fun book that takes a comical look at the parts of the holiday season that do honestly suck, like holiday travel or not having a gift for someone when they give you a gift. It also gives some great ways to combat those parts of the holidays to make them a little less stressful. Now I have read a ton of books similar to this one to try to streamline my Christmas with the least amount of fuss and while some of the tips I have heard before, there were also some unusual ones that really make a lot of sense. So if your Christmases have sucked in the past, grab a glass of wine and kick back for some laughs but don't forget a notepad and pencil for all the great ideas!

My Rating: I was not expecting to get so much out of this book, I figured I would get a lot of snark and a few over used tips on dealing but there were so many great ideas in here that I had to take notes! I give it a rating of Four Paws!

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