
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Review of Jammie Day by Carrie Snyder

Read for: Requested Review/ Netgalley

Synopsis: "Cliffy is a middle child: a little less loud, a little less messy, and a little less conspicuous than his four siblings. One cold, winter morning, Cliffy doesn't feel like getting dressed. So he tells his mom it's jammie day and heads to school in his favorite footy pajamas.
His mom might not have been paying attention. His teacher and his dad are distracted, too. So Cliffy gets away with it for a day... then a week... then a month. The other kids at school catch on quickly and start making every day jammie day, too! This playful read-aloud pokes fun at preoccupied adults and lets the kids win. Adorable, nuanced artwork elevates the story with a true-to-life depiction of family chaos, emotion, and warmth. The illustrations especially show off Cliffy's jammies, which become more worn, torn, and beloved as the months go by."

My Review: I love the idea of a Jammie Day (even more so now that I am an adult) and Munchkin is always asking for a PJ Day at school, so I thought this would be a fun story. While it was a bit of a silly story with convincing everyone that it is jammie day for a day, a week and more, there is a bit of a sad part too. I didn't really like the idea of portraying the middle child as being ignored to the point of not truly paying attention to what they are saying or wearing. While I know this is meant to be a funny story, this little tidbit doesn't sit well with me. Munchkin, being an only child, didn't catch on and now tries to convince me all the time it is PJ day at school.

My Rating: I was kind of disappointed in the portrayal of the adults in this book and the treatment of the middle child, it could really add to negative feelings if read to a child who just had a younger sibling born.  I give it a rating of Three Paws because Munchkin did really enjoy it, though again he is an only child and it wouldn't have the same impact on him.

I received this book via Netgalley and this is my honest, unbiased review.

You can find out more about Carrie Snyder on her Goodreads Page or her Website.

Jammie Day was released in October and you can find your own copy in print format at Amazon or Barnes & Noble or your favorite children's book provider.

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