
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Advent Reads Day 19: The Christmas Blessing by Donna VanLiere

Welcome to Advent Reads!
This is an event I have had on my blog for several years running now.  Each evening I feature a different holiday themed book. Think of it as your Book Advent Calendar! I post a variety of holiday books including romance, children's, middle-grade, mystery, paranormal, and I try to find some that are other holiday celebrations than Christmas too. I hope you will stop by each evening to see what new book I have for you!

Read for: Recent Purchase

Synposis: "In The Christmas Shoes, young Nathan Andrews was a child who lost his mother to cancer. Now his deepest wish is to become a doctor. When a stranger named Robert gave him the money to buy his mother a pair of shoes for her last Christmas, both Robert and Nathan learned the deepest lessons of love and giving. Now a medical student in his third year, Nathan realizes there are still things to be learned about faith, blessings, and sacrifice. Lessons he will learn from Meghan Sullivan-a young woman born with a hole in her heart that has not kept her from becoming a champion runner. And lessons learned from a young boy named Charlie, who teaches how to live a life of true courage. Together, they will help guide Nathan through the darkest period in his life. The Christmas Blessing is an inspiring about hope existing in the darkest places, and love is always the greatest gift of all."

My Review: So last year I discovered the first book in the series and then found out about the rest of the books. It took me quite a while to wrap my head around the characters after such a huge jump in the timeline between the first book and this book. I wasn't quite as emotional as I was while reading the first book, maybe because I knew what was coming due to the song, but this was still a tear-jerker. I really became attached to the characters and their story. It is a fairly quick read and can be squeezed into a busy holiday season. 

My Rating: Even though I wasn't as emotional or as invested as the first book at the beginning, this one certainly grew on me, by the end I was really attached to the characters and am looking forward to continuing the series.  I give it a rating of Four Paws.

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