
Thursday, October 6, 2016

Pen to Paper: Saving Responded Letters

Good Morning everyone and welcome back, finally, to Pen to Paper! I am finally finishing up with my pen pal organization series today with what to do with all your letters after you have responded to them.  For me and most people, letters are something to cherish and hold on to so you can look back on those friendships in years to come.  So after I have taken my letters out of the incoming box and responded to them, they head to my responded bin.
This bin is usually on my dresser in my room next to my extra pen pal and planner supplies, but Hubby was sleeping this morning and I couldn't take a picture in there.  So I have this nice little wicker basket that I keep all of my responded pen pal letters for the people with whom I am actively corresponding.  I have them organized by pen pal with their oldest letters. I don't have little dividers for them because each pen pal had a unique style of envelopes that makes it easy to find each pen pal. This basket is getting kind of full so I might have to get a second basket and have one for international pen pals and one state side pen pals. 
In the case of when a pen pal and I have parted ways, it is not like a high school break up and I dispose of all reminders of them lol, I simply binder clip or rubber band all of our past letters and place them in a storage box. I only have a few of these so right now it is just a small shoe box.

Eventually with so many pen pals and so many letters coming in I will have to find a new way of storing my past letters. I have seen some people use binders with page protectors and others who have put them straight into a storage box.

So do you keep  your old letters? How do you organize them?


  1. I used to keep every card and letter I got, but I never went back to look at them. I figured they took up space, especially if I didn't go back and look at them, so I threw it all away. Now that I'm into snail mail, I don't know what I'll do. I don't want to throw my letters away. Maybe I'll try the binder thing. I've also thought of scanning them into the computer.

    1. I have kept pretty much everything over the past several years, even the letters from a few pen pals who have stopped responding. I like the idea of scanning them if you are really tight on space. I like the binder idea because you can add more in and the letters are already open for quick reference if needed, my only issue is the goodies, I like to keep the goodies my pen pals send (or wrappers) so I know what they have sent me.
