
Saturday, October 1, 2016

Banned Book Week: Graphic Novel Saga Vol. 4 by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples

So I have been following this series since it began and had no idea it has been so controversial. It has been highly challenged due to its nudity, sexually explicit scenes, and oddly enough for being anti-family (which is confusing to me since the whole series so far has been about the family trying to stay together).  In my opinion, if anyone was going to get upset I would have imagined it would be the violence, especially between opposing species.  While I do see how parents would want to keep this out of the hands of young readers who don't have the maturity level to handle this, it is on the parent to be aware of what their child is reading and how to discuss it with them, not the library's responsibility to removed it from all readers.  As far as I can tell, this one hasn't actually been banned any where just repeatedly challenged.
Synopsis: "From the Eisner Award-winning duo of Brian K. Vaughan (The Private Eye, Pride of Baghdad) and Fiona Staples (Mystery Society, Thor), SAGA is the sweeping tale of one young family fighting to find their place in the universe. As they visit a strange new world and encounter even more adversaries, baby Hazel finally becomes a toddler, while her star-crossed parents Marko and Alana struggle to stay on their feet."

My Review: I understand now why so many were a little frustrated with the Saga series, I have had to ponder a while before posting a review. This series went from a rather epic fantasy adventure with multiple story lines and a family on the run because of their multi-species relationship, to a rather mundane story of drug abuse and family issues. This was a really slow read and difficult to get through, but I am going to continue the series and call this a transitional book. With regular novel series, we often have the transitional middle book where the action is lacking but the book is necessary for character and plot development, but while we find that transitional book to be dull we often continue the series in hopes of more in coming books, I think that is the case here.
My Rating: I really wanted to enjoy this one but like I said it has the feel of a transitional book in the series so was kind of lackluster.  I will definitely continue with the series but this one in particular gets a rating of Two Paws.


  1. I've heard great things about this one but since I'm really not into GNs I don't think I'll ever try it. I like that you're hanging with it past this one. Giving it the benefit of the doubt.

    1. It is definitely not for everyone and I know a lot of readers gave up after this one, but like I said I think it is a transitional book to allow for events to happen and characters to move in different directions.
