
Saturday, April 23, 2016

RI Author Feature: More than Cookies by Christine DePetrillo

Review of Book 1: More Than Pancakes
Synopsis: "Book Two in The Maple Leaf Series

Sage Stannard is grumpy. Having just attended her cousin’s wedding in California, she’s at her limit for watching happy couples stare dreamily at one another. She’s never had anything but quick romps back home in Vermont that always turn out to be mistakes. Big ones. Maybe moving out of her mother’s house and taking a stab at online dating will add a little excitement to this caterer’s stale life. Maybe it’ll bring more disappointment. Who knows?

Chainsaw artist Orion Finley is on a mission to get his daughter, Myah, back from his ruthless ex-wife. Only trouble is his ex-wife is a crafty lawyer with connections—ones that give her the upper hand. She even managed to get custody of his dog, Ranger, just to drive the stake deeper into his heart. His father always told him women were poison, especially the pretty ones. Why hadn’t he listened? Well, he was listening now.

When Sage and Orion meet over a bloody couch, the gates are opened to a path neither of them is quite ready to travel on. Will they stumble? Will it be all uphill? Or will the end of the path be just the new beginning they need?"

My Review: This is the second book in the series, and even though it has been quite a while since I read the first book, I was able to settle right into this one. It could really almost be read as a standalone book if you so choose to read it that way. The characters are very relatable and fun to read. DePetrillo does a great job with the build up of the story and the tension between the characters. I loved the back and forth, Sage is definitely a fun character to read. While I did enjoy Orion for the most part, there were times where I felt he acted a little childish and overly dramatic. The sub-characters are just as wonderful as the main ones, Ian is fantastic and pretty much makes the book for me. I really do love this series and will be continuing to read it, especially with the little bit we got to know Adam in this one.
My Rating: I rather enjoyed this book, it has an involved storyline with developed characters, but it is also an easy read that keeps the pages turning.  I give it a rating of Three Paws and A Stump Wag.
I originally met Christine DePetrillo at the RI Author Expo in 2014. I then also had the opportunity to interview her for the RI Author month last year and you can find that interview HERE.  You can find out more about Christine and her book on her Goodreads Page or Website.
You can also purchase your own copy of More than Cookies and the other books in the Maple Leaf Series in digital or print formats from Barnes and Noble or Amazon.

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