
Saturday, April 23, 2016

Dewey's 24 Hour Spring Readathon - Kick Off

I am here ready to kick off my readathon today.  This is going to be a really interesting one, instead of having the house to myself or at least have arranged alone time, this readathon I will have my 3 year old Munchkin with me all day.
I will only be updating here a couple of times throughout the day (more than likely next time you see me will be nap time for Munchkin), but will try to keep up more often on my twitter ( @EasternSunset9 )
It is 8:00am here in Rhode Island and Munchkin and I are ready to kick off this party.  We ran down to the 'Donut House' (what Munchkin calls Dunkin Donuts because the donuts obviously live there) and grabbed some donuts and chocolate milk to read with our first book.
Speaking of books here is what we have to start the day . . .
I think by that time Munchkin might need a little break to play so I will read
and if Munchkin wants I think I will read out loud while he plays with Lego
Hopefully today goes smoothly and I get some reading time in, and maybe get Munchkin into readathons for the future.  So what are you reading to start your Dewey Day?


  1. Good luck! Sounds like you got off to a good start.

    1. Thanks Jenny, did you end up participating?
