
Monday, August 24, 2015

Monday Reading List

Its Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Shelia at Book Journey. Share what books you have finished in the last week, are currently reading and what might be coming up next!

Reviews Posted Last Week:
Links will take you to my review
Nostromo the Dwarf by Sam Carr
Servicing the Target by Cherise Sinclair (After Dark)
Little Critter Astronaut by Mercer Mayer (Bedtime Story)

 Books Finished Last Week:
Reviews will be posted at a later date

Nostromo the Dwarf = 3pts
How to Live Life = 3pts
Summer Haikus = 3pts
Searching for Perfect= 5pts

Currently Reading:

Searching for Beautiful by Jennifer Probst - Audio - 62%
True Grit by Charlse Portis - PB - on page 96 of 224
Sun Tea Chronicles by Quinton Blue - Kindle - 15%

 Books to be Read Soon:

Friday Night Lights by HG Bissinger - Mount TBR/ Reading Across the States
Throne of Glass Series by Sarah J. Maas - Mount TBR/ Series Challenge
Searching For Series by Jennifer Probst - Mount TBR/ Audio/ Series Challenge

Total Points Earned
253 points + 14 points earned - 40 points spent = 227 points

Pages Read/ Time Listened
39,868 pages read (932 read this week)
129:11 listening time

Books Added to Shelves

Searching for Always by Jennifer Probst - Audible Monthly download
Heart Fortune by Robin D. Owens - Purchase -20 points
The Princess and the Bear by Mette Ivie Harrison - Purchase -20 points

Interesting Tidbits on the Web:



Okay, so this last week was a little more insane than I expected! I did participate in the Bout of Books read-a-thon and did so much better than I expected after looking at the crazy schedule (I will have my wrap up posted later today). This week isn't looking a whole lot better either.  Even though we got a ton of work done last week and over the weekend, we still have tons to do to prepare for Munchkin's birthday and our annual summer party. Not to mention it is going to be a crazy week at work since me & the boss will both be on vacation at the same time, for a whole week! Oh well it will all be worth it to see Munchkin have a blast on his outer space birthday party and to have a fun get together with all of our friends.


  1. You read way more than me and I didn't have as much going on as you. Way to go! Have a great week off and I hope Munchkin's party is a huge hit!

    1. Haha, I have no idea how I manage to squeeze so much into a day or week but even at the end there is still more I wanted to fit in! I think the party is going to be a huge hit and thank goodness for the vacation coming up, I am going to need it to rest and refresh for the next bout of craziness!

  2. That's a impressive list but you need to slow down and enjoy the book savour them.

    Read books: All quiet on the western front
    While you where dreaming by Lola Jane

    Currently reading: Gods of Egypt by Orlando Smart-Powell

    I don't know what I'm reading after that all my books are written down on paper and put in the mix (raffle style close your eyes and pick out a ticket)

    I have made a pledge to my self not to buy anymore books starting from September till at least one book shelf has been read (books are gifts are ok just don't buy them yourself) the money I save when I have the urge to buy a book will be going to my driving lessons, wish me luck I'm gunner need it.

    1. Thank you for stopping by Kay. That is an interesting combination of books that you are reading. I guess everyone reads at different speeds and every book takes a different amount of time to absorb. For me when I am really enjoying a book I tend to become completely absorbed in the book and read it even faster.

      Book buying bans are so hard, that is why I came up with my point system, so I could continue buying but only as I read some books off my shelf first. Good Luck!
