
Monday, August 24, 2015

Bout of Books #14 Readathon Wrap Up

I participated in the Bout of Books Readathon #14, you can find my sign up post with all the daily updates HERE and be sure to check out the Bout of Books Blog for updates on upcoming readathons.
In summary I spent a total of 21.5 hours reading last week.
I read a total of 1,348 pages in that time period
I finished reading 4 books including:
Nostromo the Dwarf
Summer Haikus
Searching for Perfect
How to Live Life
I also read but didn't finish
62% of Searching for Beautiful
96 pages of 224 of True Grit

I didn't quite meet all my goals this Bout of Books but I did get all three requested reviews read and managed to read 1,300 pages. I am actually pretty happy with how much reading I got done considering how much else I had going on this last week.  I even managed to participate in 2 mini challenges, I don't think I have ever done that with a Bout of Books read-a-thon before.
How did your readathon go? Did you meet all or goals? If not are you planning to do something different next time? I hope you all had fun and will participate again, because I certainly will!


  1. Wow! 21 hrs? I wish I could read that much a week.

    1. Not too bad considering everything that was going on huh? I am hoping for some good reading time next week!
