
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Re-Read Review of Om-Kas-Toe by Kenneth Thomasma

Synopsis: "life changes dramatically for the Blackfeet people in the early 1700's when a twin brother and sister discover a stange animal and succeed in bringing it back to the tribe."

My Review: This was a re-read from when I was a kid. It has been so many years since I read this book and it was great to read it again. I love the way Thomasma presents Native American history in stories and pulls young readers into the books. I found myself not being able to put this book down. The events that take place in Om's life are thrilling and so fun to read. I can't wait for munchkin to be old enough to read this book too.
My Rating: I remembered vague details about this book but it was just as engrossing the second time as the first. I have always enjoyed Thomasma's writing and this is just another great example.  I give it a rating of Four Paws!


  1. I love when books hold up to a reread.

    1. I do too, I don't re-read often enough in my opinion. There are so many great books I want to revisit but get distracted by all the new books (which sometimes really aren't that great).
