
Monday, June 15, 2015

Monday Reading List

Its Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Shelia at Book Journey. Share what books you have finished in the last week, are currently reading and what might be coming up next!

Reviews Posted Last Week:
Links will take you to my review
 The Novice by Taran Matharu
The Mane Squeeze by Shelly Laurenston (After Dark)
Tow Truck Trouble/ Lights Out by Frank Berrios (Bedtime Story)
Books Finished Last Week:
Reviews will be posted at a later date

Llama Llama Mad at Mama = 1pt
Llama Llama Home with Mama = 1pt
No More Hitting = 1pt
Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping = 1pt
Big Bad Beast = 3pts
Letters from Felix = 1pt
Swamp Thing Vol. 1 = 2pt
A Dangerous Path = 5pts

Currently Reading:

The Smoke Jumper by Nicholas Evans - Audio - 8%
Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes - Nook - on page 101 of 310
Irona 700 by Dave Duncan - Kindle - 26%

 Books to be Read Soon:

Sphinx's Princess by Esther Friesner (Mount TBR/ Series)
Sphinx's Queen by Esther Friesner (Mount TBR/ Series)
The Darkest Hour by Erin Hunter (Mount TBR/ Series)
Bella Tuscany by Frances Mayes (Mount TBR)
Howl For It by Shelly Laurenston (Series/ Mount TBR)


Total Points Earned
   114 points + 15 points earned + 10 points for 10K pages = 139 points

Pages Read/ Time Listened
30,445 pages read (1,061 read this week)
80:38 listening time (10:12 listened this week)

Books Added to Shelves

Interesting Tidbits on the Web:



Getting back into the swing of things only to have Munchkin go down with a cold and the asthma kick in. We had a lot of late nights and lots of snuggles so we read a few extra kids books this week instead of my books.  That is okay though since I did get started on a few more books that I hope to finish this week. It will be the last week the boss man is out of the office half the time so I better get as much reading as I can done ;)

I hope you enjoyed the few extra non review posts I put up last week. I didn't realize how many I had in a single week until too late, I will try to space them out a little better from now on but I do hope you enjoy them!


  1. I like posts about practically anything review or not. So keep them coming.

    1. I am so glad, I will definitely try to keep them coming. I must say all the crafting and side things I am doing now is definitely cutting into reading time so I don't have nearly as many reviews to post anyway LOL!
