
Monday, October 27, 2014

What's for Dinner? (27)

What's for Dinner is a little insight into my life for you every Monday night. I carefully plan out meals for the week ahead of time and do my shopping over the weekend.  So I wanted to start sharing with you one of the recipes or dinners I am most looking forward to each week.
Back to Pinterest for more yummy recipes for dinner! I was looking for something with delicious fall/late summer veggies and came across
It looked simple and hit on several food categories and included food Munchkin enjoys.
We didn't have the greatest quality of sausage and Hubby isn't a fan of tomatoes so I cut down on those, which resulted in the dish being a little dry.  So I drizzled a little flavored olive oil (mushroom & sage for me & Munchkin and Chipotle for Hubby) on it all, and it worked. I think next time I might replace the tomato with some asparagus and develop a sauce with some broth or wine.
You can get the recipe On Yellow Bliss Road


  1. I have been in such a cooking rut. I've been just cooking the same thing over and over again.

    1. I try not to cook the same recipe twice in a month but we do end up eating a lot of pasta since it is quick, easy, munchkin will eat it and it can be prepared in so many different ways.

  2. Oh that looks good. I'll have to see about finding some fake sausage for a version of this :)

    1. Hmm not sure where to start, maybe you could use veggie burgers and just diced them up (we like the mushroom ones or the pepper ones). I think you would definitely need to find some way to moisten the dish though, maybe like I said use a little wine to deglaze the pan and get a sauce going.
