
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Review of Black Horses for the King by Anne McCaffrey

Synopsis: ""After his father's death, young Galwyn Varianus is apprenticed to his uncle, who puts the boy to work on the high seas. But horses, not ships, are Galwyn's passion. Luckily, a passenger aboard, Lord Artos (later to rule as the legendary King Arthur), is bound for the great horse fair at Septimania. Risking his life, Galwyn abandons his uncle to serve the gallant leader. Galywn's calming way with horses quickly impresses Lord Artos and his men. But what no one expects is how crucial Galwyn will be to their upcoming battles--as he masters the secrets of the iron shoes that will protect the exotic horses' delicate hooves. . ."

My Review: I have just finished re-reading this book after several years and it is just as fantastic and interesting as the first time. It is such a unique take on the beginning of the supposed Arthurian times. You can tell there was much time and research spent prior to writing this book and it is hard at times to distinguish what might actually be historical facts and what is part of the fictional tale, it is all enthralling and you can't help but continue to turn the pages.
My Rating: This book does take some time to get used to as the characters you are used to aren't referred to by the names you are used to, but I think that is part of the charm of the book being set prior to the fame of King Arthur.  I love this book and it is great for both horse lovers and those who enjoy Arthurian Legends.  I give it Four Paws!

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