
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Review of Ugly Beautiful by Seanpaul Thomas


Synopsis: "'A tragic tale of a doomed romance like no other.'

Jason is a tormented soul and small town, womanizing gangster. Fed up with his unfulfilled life he double crosses his only friend and does a runner with a suitcase full of drug money, disappearing into the heart of the gorgeous Scottish highlands to lay low in a secluded cottage before starting a fresh.

On his second day of hiding Jason discovers the mysterious body of a young and hauntingly beautiful woman lying unconscious at the bottom of a nearby hill. The woman though has no memory of who she is or how she even ended up there. So Jason carries the beauty back to his cottage and tenderly nurses her back to health. As the days pass, Jason gradually gains the woman's trust and friendship by confiding to her his own past sins and infidelities. Deep and personal confessions he has never told anyone before, especially a woman. Could our hero finally be falling in love for the first time in his selfish life?

Eventually Jason coaxes and pushes the woman into unraveling her own eerily forgotten past and tormenting mad nightmare visions of terror... But doing so without the hindsight of the chilling, terrifying and sickening acts of horror which are about to be unleashed.

'Strong language and graphic scenes of violence in parts.'"

My Review: Wow, this one was disturbing, so much so that I had to read some fluffy magazine articles before going to bed after finishing it. This is very much so an adult book, lots of language and violence. The first half of this book really kept you wondering where exactly it was going, you start to think it is going to be a simple romance with a few minor issues between the couple but then a big twist is thrown at you and next thing you know you are reading a horror story. I kind of felt like there was a little disconnect between me and the characters, I prefer to be led into feeling with the characters as opposed to being told how they are feeling, but I guess in this case it was probably better I didn't feel how they did most of the book. I can't help be feel for Gary, he is the only real victim in this whole book, poor guy and he only had a minor role. All in all it kept me reading and it was wrapped up nicely.
My Rating: I generally don't read horror books, but I do enjoy a good suspense and mind twist, Ugly Beautiful definitely gave all three.  It was great that this was a short read because I probably wouldn't have been able to sleep until I finished it. I would have liked to have been drawn more into the story as opposed to feel like I am on the surface watching.  I give it a rating of Two Paws and a Stump Wag.
Ugly Beautiful was sent to me by the author for an honest review.
You can find out more about Seanpaul Thomas and his works on Goodreads.
You can also obtain your own print or digital copy of Ugly Beautiful on Amazon.

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