
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Review of Rory by Ciye Cho

Synopsis: "Far beyond heaven, earth and hell is a city known as Palladino, a place ruled by ghosts and filled with demons, magic, and all sorts of darkly beautiful things. A city where no one can ever escape.

Eighteen-year-old Rory is a cake decorator who makes stunning confections. But no amount of frosting or miracles can save her when a demon kidnaps her—and carries her to Palladino. Here, Rory ends up in a deadly charm school where young women are forced to become companions for the Ghost Lords. And for her to survive, Rory must become everything that she isn’t: graceful, elegant... and perfect.

But nothing is what it seems in Palladino. Not the magic. Not the ghosts. And definitely not Martin Marius, the bizarre Ghost Lord-slash-inventor who is drawn to Rory. For amid a thousand machines and a hundred cats, Martin holds a secret that could change everything. A secret that could either free Rory... or destroy her."

My Review: First off I love this cover and it takes a while to get to the scene where it comes in, but so beautiful! I have read the first two books of the Florence Waverley Series by Ciye Cho and loved how he was able to keep me in the world and make it very clear that they were underwater. With Rory the setting was almost so obscure I had a hard time following some of the descriptions and events. I had a difficult time remembering Cookie was a cat as opposed to a young child. With all that said, the characters were so interesting that I couldn't put the book down. I wanted to know where the story was going and the twists kept jumping out. Something is always going on even when it seems there isn't much plot movement, everything builds up to something. Each event and detail is important. Poor Rory is stuck in a world where she can't figure out who to trust, and you can't either. Every one could be a bad guy but they could also be good guys. Be forewarned, big cliffhanger ending!
My Rating: The characters and surprise plot twists were great in the story but it was such a fantastic world and some of the things were so out of the norm that at times it was hard to put it together in my mind.  No matter what though I am going to have to read the next book, I want to know what happens! I give Rory a rating of Three Paws.
Rory was sent to me by the author for an honest review.
You can find out more about Ciye Cho and Rory on Goodreads or his Website (there is even an excerpt of a few chapters so you can check out Rory).
Rory will be available in Ebook format on August 10th 2013 (I will add the links when it is released so you can grab your copy but mark your calendars!)


  1. Sounds fun and I love the cover!

    1. Isn't that cover stunning?! It was fun to read and interesting, there were a lot of unique ideas.
