
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Review of The Secret of Shadow by TJ Silver & Giveaway

Synopsis: "Thunderstorm & the Elementals, Book One: The Secret of Shadow is an exciting juvenile fiction, fantasy & magic story that pre-teens, teens, and adults will embrace. Charbroiling a cheerleader, twisting a tornado in history class, darting head-on into a Shadow-wing dragon named wasn't exactly how Thunderstorm Valdar had pictured his first day at his new school, Paracelsus Academy. Thunder and his family had just relocated from Chicago to Silver Oak, a move he wasn't thrilled about. Up until that fateful day, Thunder had been an ordinary - though socially awkward - teenager who didn't know that his uneventful life was about to change forever.Thunder is quickly initiated into a world of mages who can control fire, air, water, and earth - and who are aided and protected by gryphons, pegasai, seadrakens, naiads, and dragons.Just when Thunder thinks his day couldn't get any more craptacular, a dark socerer kidnaps his parents and Drakyus whisks Thunder and his new mage friends, Angel and Darius, off on a wild adventure to save them. Thunderstorm and his friends are forced to embark on a dangerous quest to find the seadraken Kanalia - the only one who can help them rescue Thunder's parents and avoid an evil trap. As they travel to the ends of the earth, battling trolls, naga, and giant sea creatures, they uncover truths about themselves as the battles between good and evil, light and shadow, threatens their mage world."

My Review: Woohoo! Probably one of the best Young Adult Fantasies I have read in a long long time! I loved this book and can't wait for Book 2 to come out. The Secret of Shadow was written by a fellow My Little Pony lover on the mlparena. That is how I discovered the book, wanting to support I purchased it, then if fell by the wayside as I read other books (which I really regret now). You get to join Thunderstorm as he discovers that not only is he a mage and that magic really exists but that he is an ultra rare multi - element -mage! While he is still absorbing this information he is thrown into a quest of life or death. Thankfully he has friends and his very own dragon familiar to help him along the way. This story is full of action and adventure, dotted with magic, myths and legends. I particularly loved how much norse mythology was in the story! It was great to read such a great story that was clean, all ages would enjoy reading Thunderstorm's adventures.
My Rating: This was so exciting, you can't help but turn the pages! I give it a rating of Four Paws and a Stump Wag!
I have more exciting news!! I am going to give away a paperback copy of this book
TJ Silver has agreed to autograph the book for me!
So if you want your own signed copy of The Secret Shadow please enter below with Rafflecopter. 

Ways to Enter:
Follow my blog (mandatory)
Post in the comments which elemental (earth, air, water, fire) mage would you want to be?

This giveaway is open to international people
You must be 15 years of age
The giveaway ends on October 30th at 12:00am by Rafflecopter via random draw - Winner to be announced October 31st
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Gah! I've been curious about this one since I saw it posted on the arena myself. Since I had so many other books I haven't read yet, I didn't get a copy. I may have to check it out soon after all since your review makes it clear how great it is. :)

    1. It is fantastic! I am so glad I saw her post on the arena (not that I miss all that many book posts there)!

  2. I haven't heard about this one but it sounds good. I love/hate when you read a book that's been sitting on your shelf for too long and you love it so much you cringe to think how long it's been just sitting there.

    1. Yup I hate when I wait so long to read a book, but they get lost in my giant pile. Though it is exciting like book shopping all over again when I dig in for a new book to read!
