
Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday Reading List

Its Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Shelia at Book Journey. Share what books you have finished in the last week, are currently reading and what might be coming up next!

Reviews Posted Last Week:
Links will take you to my review
Insurgent by Veronica Roth
The Going to Bed Book by Sandra Boynton (Bedtime Story)
The Island of Dr. Moreau by HG Wells (Book v. Movie)

Books Finished Last Week:
Reviews will be posted at a later date

Donners Bend by Alexa V. James
One Little Christmas Tree by the Curto Family
Sarah Smiles by Seanpaul Thomas
The Secret Shadow by TJ Silver
Dog Trots Globe by Sheron Long

Currently Reading:

Liberty: A Lake Wobegon Novel by Garrison Keller - PB - on page 92 of 288
Cleo: The cat who mended a family by Helen Brown - PB - on page 124 of 292
Mansfield Park by Jane Austen - Audio - on Disc 6 of 12
Sippy Cups are Not for Chardonnay by Stefanie Wilder -Taylor - PB - on page 23 of 218

Next Books to be Read:

Under Camelot's Banner by Sarah Zettel - Arthurian Legend Challenge
Soul of a Highlander by Melissa Mayhue - Mount TBR Challenge


Goodness, what a busy week!! Munchkin has been soo good this week, just hanging out with me reading, playing and snuggling. Finally starting to see the joy of it and it might have something to do with actually getting more sleep! 

I have been getting some great reading done, in fact I have reviews posted all the way into November!  Not to mention a great read along planned for the month of November,  I hope you will all participate - and to give you a chance to get the book in time it will be Music Speaks, an anthology of music related short stories.  I will be doing 2 stories a week.  You can get your copy in ebook format on Amazon for $2.99 or in paperback format on Amazon for $6.99.  Sorry but its not on Barnes and Noble (I should have told you all to get it earlier because I downloaded it when it was free).

I have also been getting excited for the holidays with Munchkin! We already got our halloween costumes started, got super cute outfits for him for Thanksgiving and been Christmas shopping!! I am making some gifts so I will be sure to share those with you when they are complete, I better get working since I am hoping to return to work in about three more weeks. Yikes! So much I want to do before then!

On that note I will leave you with an adorable picture of Mr. Munchkin!


  1. So cute!!! I'm glad to see things working out better for you with the baby. :) And YAY for having stuff scheduled into November! I'm still a bit behind on that, lol.

    1. Thanks, it is nice to finally be getting some sort of routine down (I thrive on routines and checklists LOL).
