
Monday, March 12, 2012

Review of Golden Surrender by Heather Graham (link to a giveaway)

Synopsis: "PRINCE OLAF OF NORWAY—Lord of the Wolves, the golden Viking warrior who came in his dragon ship to forge a great kingdom in the Emerald Isle.

PRINCESS ERIN—Daughter of the Irish High King, the ebony-haired beauty who swore bitter vengeance on the legendary Norseman who had brought death and destruction to her beloved homeland.

Yet, in the great Norse and Irish alliance against the invading Danes, it was her own father who gave her in marriage to her most hated enemy. Bewitched by Olaf's massive strength, seduced by his power, still Erin vowed that neither the wrath of his sword nor the fire of his kiss would sway the allegiance of her proud and passionate heart."

My Review: I love any books featuring Vikings! This one was pretty fun to read and get to know the characters, you really can't beat a stubborn viking and the temper of an irish together! While the main plot line really followed just about every other historical romance I have read, it still had some fun and interesting twists involved. The characters were fantastic, all of them, even the sub characters and those with only a few brief moments in the book. A note to some readers, there were a few sex scenes but they didn't over run the book and are easily skimmed if you prefer not to read them. So all in all it was a good fun read, though predictable ending, the characters really brought out the best in Golden Surrender.

My Rating: The predictability of this one brought the rating down slightly but the characters were fantastic in my opinion.  I give it a rating of  Three Paws and  Stump Wag!

Golden Surrender was suggested to me by Holjo of Pedantic Phooka Blog and is running a giveaway for Golden Surrender on her blog until 3/13 - so hurry over to enter to win your own copy!!Giveaway Link


  1. I feel like a lot of YA books I read have the same basic formula and yet, I keep reading them. Sometimes the predictability is comforting.

    1. I think the predictability also allows you to read quicker since you already have a basic idea of how its going to go, you can almost skim the book. On the other hand I really enjoy it when a book catches me off guard and throws in a complete curve ball that doesn't follow the norm, it makes me sit up and pay attention.
