
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Review of Geek Girl by Cindy C. Bennett

Synopsis: "Jen's life of partying and sneaking out has grown stale. So on a whim, Jen makes a bet to turn Trevor, a goody-two-shoes geek, into a "bad boy." As she hangs out with Trevor, however, she finds it's actually kinda fun being a geek. But when Trevor finds out about the bet, Jen must fight for the things she's discovered matter most: friendship, family, and, above all, love."

My Review: Love, Love, Love this book! This is definitely a read in one day kind of book! You can't think about anything else. While it might follow the typical dramatic plot line of nearly all YA romances, there are a lot fun little side points. I love the geekiness of the book (I was definitely a geek and still am). There are also so many underlying themes within Geek Girl about love, loss, personal strength and the power of friends. Not only is the story well developed but so are the characters, even sub characters, you can't help but root for everyone involved. You can't help but laugh and cry with Jen and Trevor. Then you add in Todd, Mrs. Green, Jane, Brian and Pat and you have a great cast of characters everyone can relate to and love. Even first person narration couldn't take away your attention to the book and story.

My Rating: I couldn't give this one any less than Four Paws and Stump Wag. Geek Girl was brought to my attention by my dear friend Jessica over at Thoughts at One in the Morning and it is entirely her fault I didn't get any chores done all night, but so glad she put this book on my radar!


  1. Hehehehe! I am so glad you enjoyed it though. I promise I won't recommend anything else to you... today... ;)

    1. LOL you are absolutely evil you know that?! Of course in the best way possible for evil to be LOL!

  2. I have this one on my TBR list. Looks like I need to get to it. I love books that make you want to read nonstop. Even if it does get in the way of life.

    1. Haha I would say so Jenny, with two raving reviews by some of your most trusted book bloggers :P
