
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Write it Wednesday

So Wednesday is my official writing update day. I have so many story projects going on and I need a push to get some done. So I will be trying to post each Wednesday about how my writing adventures are going (and I may need a swift kick in the pants by you guys sometimes).

Current Active Project:

Princess Bs - 18,834 words

A story about a woman, recently divorced and returned to her home town to figure out what is next. She encounters an old friend and spends a weekend with him and his daughters. Feelings that are long since buried are rising up again, but are her recent loss and his current life going to stand in the way of their happily ever after?

I fell a little behind last week with the busy schedule but I am making a lot of progress in the past couple of days.  I am happy to announce I am only 8,000 words behind schedule and farther than I have ever been in a story I have written!!

Other Works in Progress:

Tamlyn Marie's Grace - 12,072 words

Think Cinderella only with a matchmaker ;)

The Last Mountains - 15,352

A equine shapeshifting family is being hunted to near extinction and the young new leader must go against all her lessons and approach the elite council for aide. Will they help her? How will she keep her family's traditions and values alive, let alone her herd?

Night Rider - 17,229

Alice is a recent high school graduate who is a very accomplished competitive rider in Hunter/Jumper, Dressage, and Western/Rodeo. Her parents had arranged for her to attend a private college on the east coast geared specifically to equine professions. However, Alice wants to focus on her studies in English Literature. When she arrives at the college she hides her riding abilities, but can she keep her talent and love of horses hidden?

Other Ideas Plotting:

The New Old Home
A lottery won and what is decided to do with the money.

Bloodsoar's Story
A pegasus struggles through life, ejected from the herd, near capture by humans.

The Assassin's Assassin
A student learns what the school is really teaching and sets out to destroy those who support the program.

I will leave you with a couple of teaser lines from Princess Bs:
" But instead of shaking her hand he drew her closer until the fence and only a small space laid between them. He slowly raised her had to his lips, his eyes gazing at her face the whole time. “No, thank you for your time and all your help. You really are a princess.” He said softly.  His soft words and tender treatment brought her breath short, her hand shook a little as she withdrew it from his as a movement caught her eye, Amy had taken a step towards them a dark look on her face. Bonnie took a quick step back toward Spartan’s side waving, she called out “maybe I will see you all again some time. Take care.”

She turned quickly and mounted the black horse in a single swift movement. Bonnie turned Spartan abruptly, she reached down and grabbed April’s reins.  She pushed both horses into an immediate gallop as she headed home, careful not to look back at the family behind her in the yard. Tears had filled her eyes. For a moment she had tricked herself into thinking they were her girls and this was her happy life, what a farce."

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